[Animal Mimicry]

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Quirk: Animal Mimicry

Type: Transformation(???)


This Quirk allows the user to gain the traits of any animals they come into contact with, and the effects last for 30 minutes.

Pros & Strengths:

The user, depending on what animal they come into contact with, will definitely gain some kind of strength and benefit from it. The user also does not need to use very much energy while this Quirk is activated.

Cons & Weaknesses:

Though the user doesn't have to use much energy WHILE the Quirk is activated, the user will be very exhausted after the Quirk is activated and will not be able to use their Quirk for a while if it is overused.


When the user comes into physical contact with an animal (ex. petting a pet, or if a bug lands on them) then they will gain the following traits;

Cat: (cat ears, whiskers, tail, sharp claws.) The user gains an extra boost of speed and their teeth become sharper, and they have a better sense of hearing and smell. They can easily land on their two feet when they fall from a high place, and they jump with eLEgANCe. They get slightly smaller in size. They may get hurt easily, however.

Dog: (dog ears, sharp claws, tail) The user gains an immense speed boost, and just a swat of their hand can be very painful to whoever gets hit. The user can hear and smell better. The user grows slightly in size and gets sharper teeth. They do not get hurt too easily but it is difficult for them to hide.

Bird: (bird wings, sharp nail-like 'talons') The user can move and fly very fast, and they have great eyesight. They have sharp nails (or 'talons') that can seriously hurt an opponent. Depending on the kind of bird the user came into contact with, they will either grow or shrink in size.

Bear: (bear ears, sharp claws, flUFFy hAIR) The user can run fast, and grows larger in size. Despite how fast the user can run, they may run out of stamina very quickly, but this is made up for in how much damage they can do. They have very sharp teeth.

Hero Name(s): can't think of any hh

Villain Name(s): Metamorphi, Skinwalker, Savage (why is it that when i think of names, they're always bAD)

Power: ★★★★★ 5/5 A

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