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Caspian ran off to go help Susan when he saw that a group of soldiers went after her and Lucy. Leaving Edmund and I to watch helplessly while Peter fought Miraz. Things were getting intense; Peter cut Miraz in the leg while Miraz knocked Peter's helmet off his head leaving him unprotected. Miraz knocked Peter to the ground and stepped on his shield. He yelled in pain and it was that moment where I wanted to kill Miraz myself for hurting Peter. "Does His Highness need a respite?" he asked mockingly. "Five minutes." Peter croaked in pain. He had dislocated his arm. "Three." Miraz said wincing clearly in pain as well.
Caspian and Susan came riding up to us on Destrier. I smiled in amusement. Susan looked at her brother in horror and ran up to him and hugged him. "Lucy..." Peter started to say. "She got through, with some help." she smiled at Caspian.  "Thanks." Peter said to Caspian. "Well, you are busy." he said modestly. 
Miraz was ready to fight again, he reminded me of a wolf ready to strike. Peter grabbed his sword and shield and walked back to continue the duel. He repeatedly shoved Peter with his shield, but he got up and knocked Miraz's sword out of his hand and he did the same. Miraz shoved him to the ground and Peter punched him where he cut his leg. The evil tyrant fell down and Peter took his sword. "Respite! Respite!" Miraz yelled. "Now is not the time for chivalry Pete!" Edmund shouted. Peter didn't know what to do, he walked back to our side when Miraz grabbed his sword, got up from the ground, and was ready to kill Peter! "Look out!" I cried. Peter did so and grabbed the sword and stabbed Miraz in his arm. "What's the matter boy? Too cowardly to take a life?" he smiled a cruel smile. "It's not mine to take." Peter answered. Caspian and I stepped forward with our swords drawn. We surrounded our uncle with hatred. He was the reason why we were orphans, and why we had to live in constant fear of our lives. So many Narnians were dead because of him; we were going to make him pay. "Perhaps I was wrong, it seems you do have the makings of a Telmarine king after all." he looked at me "And you have the strength to be a good Telmarine Queen someday." Caspian and I raised our swords to end him once and for all. I couldn't stop shaking, this was out of anger and fear. We yelled and stabbed our swords into the ground. Miraz looked confused as did the other soldiers. "Not like you. Keep your life, but I am giving the Narnians back their kingdom." Caspian proclaimed. "So am I!" I yelled. We joined our side of the army and the Narnians cheered for us. Suddenly Sopespian one of Miraz's generals stabbed him in the back with one of Susan's arrows! "They have murdered our king!" Sopespian shouted. "To arms!" The war was at its peak. Caspian and I gathered the remaining Narnians underground to launch the attack. We were on horseback and we had clubs to knock down the stone pillars to create a trap for the soldiers. We rode our horses at full speed and the Narnians were helping us knock down the pillars. We created an opening and rode out onto the battlefield. "FOR ASLAN!" Peter yelled and we charged. The Telmarines were retreating and we chased after them to the Beruna River.

Up ahead of the bridge was an extraordinary sight. Lucy was standing with Aslan himself. I grinned with pride. The soldiers didn't care who he was, they charged towards him but the great lion let out a mighty roar! The water began to swirl into a giant river god! We looked up in awe at the mighty figure rising from the water. Sopespian was on the bridge ready to fight it. The river god picked up the bridge with Sopespian on it with a couple of soldiers as well. The river god threw the bridge into the water drowning the soldiers. We had won the war!

    Peter, Susan, Edmund, Caspian, and I knelt before Aslan. Just being in his presence made me feel safe despite how powerful he was. "Rise Kings and Queens of Narnia." Aslan proclaimed. Susan, Peter, and Edmund rose while Caspian and I stayed kneeling.  "All of you." The lion said gently. Caspian looked at him "I don't think I'm ready." "It's for that very reason I know you are." Aslan said kindly. The lion looked at me "Why don't you rise dear one?" I awkwardly looked at him "I'm not a queen. I'm too fragile." Miraz's words had affected me greatly. "You have more strength than you think, Amelia. I can tell you love and care for your brother and friends, that makes you a great leader. When your time comes you will be Queen." his words made me stand up happily. Caspian hugged me as I did so.

Things turned somber when a little army of mice came carrying Reepicheep on a stretcher. He looked half dead and his tail was gone. A small stump remained of his tail. Lucy took her cordial from her belt, uncorked it, and poured a drop of the juice into the mouse's mouth. After a few seconds Reepicheep took a giant gasp and woke up. He was alive and well. "Oh, thank you Your Majesty." he looked up at Lucy and then at Aslan. "Oh, Hail Aslan! It's an honor to-" he stumbled onto his face. I guess losing his tail made him lose his balance. The mouse looked up at Lucy with the biggest eyes "Just a drop more?" "I don't think it does that." she said apologetically. "You can have a go." Reepicheep was hopeful that Lucy's cordial would help him grow a new tail. "It becomes you well, Small One." Aslan told him. "All the same great king, I regret that I must withdraw. For a tail is the honor and glory of a mouse." Reepicheep said somberly. "Perhaps you think to much of your honor, friend." The lion said. "Well, it's not just the honor. A tail is good for balance, climbing, and grabbing things." The mouse was so hopeful to get a new tail. Aslan smiled. "For the love and honor of your friends." Reepicheep's tail grew back instantly. He realized this and saw his brand new tail! "Oh look! Thank you my liege! I will treasure it always!" We laughed with his enthusiasm. Aslan chuckled "Now, where is this Dear Little Friend you told me so much about?"
  Trumpkin was in the distance walking towards us. He looked nervous to be in Aslan's presence, but he bowed to him. Aslan smiled in amusement and roared loudly scaring the daylights out of Trumpkin. I chuckled under my breath. "Do you see him now?" Lucy asked.

   We rode back to Telmar a few hours later. Caspian and I were able to come back to our kingdom without fear, and it was a very exhilarating and freeing feeling. Caspian could now claim his rightful place as king and I could have my place as Queen when my time came. For now I would enjoy being Princess, it was more fun that way. Fireworks of celebration exploded above the castle, and Narnia was in a celebratory mood. The Narnians were welcome into the castle and we danced and sang and told stories.

Peter and I were holding hands in the courtyard just enjoying each other's company. We were looking at the stars. "Thank you." I told Peter as I snuggled close to him. He chuckled and kissed me on the forehead "What for?" "For helping Caspian and I stop our uncle, for saving Narnia once again," I looked at him lovingly "For coming into my life." I leaned in and kissed him. "You're my love." "And you're mine." he kissed me softly. "I love you Peter Pevensie." I said happily. He smiled his adorable smile "I love you too Amelia of Telmar." We kissed each other. Nothing could have been more perfect than that moment.

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