Taking Our Flight

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    Later that night I couldn't sleep. I felt that something was off, because all the Telmarine soldiers were treating Caspian and I extra nice and were standing outside of our rooms. I knew Aunt Prunaprismia was due to have a baby, and if it was a boy then Miraz would finally have his own heir to the throne. I didn't know what would happen to us, but I had a feeling it wasn't good. 
   I heard my aunt screaming at the top of her lungs and then a baby crying. "Telmar has a new heir!" A voice exclaimed. Suddenly my door opened and I instantly grabbed my sword that was hanging on the wall and I pointed it at the door. My heart was beating fast and my hands were shaking so badly that I almost dropped my sword. It was Doctor Cornelius, I put my sword down in relief. "My apologies princess, but we need to leave. Your aunt has given birth to a son and your uncle is preparing to kill you and your brother."  He said. My blood ran cold, because my suspicions were confirmed. "We must warn Caspian." I said. I put on my favorite blue dress with my leather armor, I put my sword in its sheath, and I put on my black cloak to hide myself. We snuck up the stairs to Caspian's chamber avoiding looks from the soldiers patrolling the stairs.
I couldn't stop shaking, because I couldn't believe that our own uncle wanted to kill us. We opened the door to find Caspian sound asleep and he didn't stir when we came in. He slept like a log so I wasn't surprised.
Cornelius snuck up to the bed and shook him away, and Caspian woke up startled, when he saw it was Cornelius he turned back over to go back to sleep "Five more minutes." he mumbled sleepily. "You won't be seeing the stars tonight." "Miraz is trying to kill us." I said to my brother. "What?" Caspian raises his eyebrows in confusion. "Prunaprismia gave birth to a son." I said as if I was telling him we were sentenced to death. "We must hurry." Cornelius rushed us into the wardrobe to hide from the attacking soldiers. It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. A group of soldiers came rustling into the room and they drew their crossbows and began to fire at Caspian's bed. I covered my mouth with my hand to keep from screaming; that moment made me realize that Miraz really did want us dead. I took deep silent breaths to calm down. The soldiers realized Caspian wasn't there and ran to go look for him.
When we were sure they were gone, we got out of the wardrobe so Caspian could get his armor and weapons, etc.
Our horses Destrier and Winter were waiting for us at the stable. Caspian and I mounted our horses and we prepared to flee the castle, but Cornelius stopped us; he gave Caspian an odd looking horn, the front of it was shaped like a lion. "This is where I leave you." he looked so frightened for us. "But aren't you coming with us?!" cried Caspian. "I'm afraid this is a journey you and your sister must make on your own." the old man's eyes were gleaming with tears. "We need you." my vision was blurring with tears of heartbreak. "I do wish I could accompany you, but Miraz can't know you've escaped." a rush of footsteps interrupted him. "I think he found out." Caspian's eyes widened in fear. Cornelius referred Caspian to the horn "This is High Queen Susan's horn, it has taken me many years to find. Use it when you need help, and that help will come to you." Caspian nodded and put the horn on his belt. "Will we ever see you again?" he asked with clear heartbreak. "I do hope so my Prince and Princess." Cornelius waved us off and our horses began to gallop away from the castle.
Fireworks were exploding above the castle as we made it across the drawbridge. I could barely feel my hands because I was clutching the reigns on my horse so tightly. "Get them!" A voice yelled in the distance. I turned around to see General Glozelle leading his men to capture us! "Caspian, we've got company!" I screamed to him. He turned around to see what was going on and when he saw the army of soldiers coming after us he snapped the reins on his horse to go faster and I did the same with mine. We rode across the water to the Narnian woods, and the soldiers watched us in defeat ride away from them. "That was close," I said keeping my concentration on trying to duck from the large tree branches that seemed to come in every direction. Caspian turned around to see if we were still being followed and I saw he was about to be hit by a branch! "Caspian! Look out!" I screamed. He didn't duck out of the way and he was hit square in the face by a branch. He fell off his horse and Destrier galloped away. I climbed off my horse to make to make sure he was okay. "Are you alright?" I asked. He nodded rubbing his forehead where he got hit "I think so." "Well, pay attention next time." I teased. He weakly chuckled and just then three figures appeared from a little house that looked like a beaver dam. A Red Dwarf, a Black Dwarf, and a badger were staring at us. They started towards us and I was getting scared "Caspian, get on my horse and let's go." I climbed back on Winter and I reached my hand for Caspian to help him on my horse. He looked at me sadly "Go get somewhere safe, I don't want you to get hurt." "I thought we were supposed to stay together." tears filled my eyes once again. I thought I saw tears in Caspian's eyes as well. "The only way we can stay together is if you get somewhere safe." "I'm so sorry Amelia." his eyes were full of sadness. Soldiers had found us and the Red Dwarf started after them; the Black Dwarf was starting for Caspian! "Leave him alone!" I screamed in anger at the dwarf. "Amelia, go! I'll be alright!" Caspian blew the horn and I gave him one last look before riding away.

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