Bear Attack and Seeing Aslan

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   I couldn't believe I was with the Kings and Queens. I did wish that Caspian would have been here with me to meet them, it would have made him so happy. We docked the boat on the shoreline and we got off. Suddenly up ahead there was a giant black bear and Lucy got excited and went to go say hello to the bear "Hello there." the bear looked at her blankly and Lucy just smiled "It's alright, we're friends." I was confused as to why she was talking to a bear. "Don't move Your Majesty!" Trumpkin shouted pointing his bow and arrow at the bear. Susan was aiming her bow and arrow as well. The bear got up on its hind legs and roared! "Lucy!" I screamed. I grabbed my sword.
The bear started chasing her and she started running towards us with, she was scared and confused. Lucy tripped and fell in the sand. The bear got on its hind legs again and roared, and Trumpkin shot it. She got up from the sand and ran to Peter, and he hugged her. "He was wild." Peter looked sadly at the dead bear in the sand. Trumpkin walked to the bear with his dagger "Narnia has become a more savage place than you remember." he proceeded to skin the bear. Lucy, Susan, and I covered our eyes, because we didn't want to see such a grisly sight.
After that madness, we proceeded to walk to find a place to camp for the night because we were all tired. Lucy and I hung towards the back while Peter went towards the front of the group. "How old are you Lucy?" I asked just to make conversation. "Thirteen, how old are you?" she was so friendly. "Seventeen." I answered. "You're the same age as Peter!" she exclaimed. I chuckled "My brother is twenty-one, I have never really been around people close to my age until now." I looked at Peter who was walking ahead of us; he saw that I was looking and smiled. That immediately made me look away and my face got hot. Lucy was watching the whole thing, and she was grinning "You fancy Peter." her comment made me blush even more. I giggled "I just find him very enticing." we both started laughing. "You and every other girl in Finchley." she said still laughing. "What's Finchley?" I was puzzled. "It's the city where my siblings and I are from. It's not in Narnia." she explained. I knew they were from a different world, because the stories I was told as a child frequently mentioned that. "That must be extraordinary!" I was fascinated with the magic and adventures they experienced. "I don't remember this way at all." Susan told Peter. We were walking for what seemed like hours. "That's the problem with girls. You can't carry a map in your heads." Peter said pompously. "That's because we already have something in them." Lucy teased. "I wish he would have listened to the DLF." Susan told Lucy under her breath. Lucy and I giggled. "DLF?" Edmund asked puzzled. "Dear Little Friend." Lucy told him. I chuckled at the new title that was bestowed upon Trumpkin. "Oh that's not patronizing, is it?" The Dwarf said. I shrugged "Think of it as a form of endearment." "Yeah, real endearing." he replied sarcastically.
   What happened next was just as extraordinary. Off in the clearing was a majestic lion, but this wasn't any ordinary lion. He had a magical presence about him, he seemed powerful. The lion moved his powerful head to the left of him. He was trying to show us something. Lucy saw where I was looking at and she smiled excitedly "Aslan! It's Aslan!" I smiled too "It's a miracle." "He's right there!" Lucy pointed to the other side of the gorge where he was standing; and he was no longer there. I felt sadness come over me and I could tell Lucy was experiencing the same feeling. "Do you see him now?" Trumpkin asked condescendingly. "I'm not crazy. He was there and he wanted us to follow him." she glared at him. "You're just imagining things." Susan told her like a mother scolding a child. I glared at her "I saw him too." She just ignored me. Susan seemed like the kind of person who always had to be right. That was my least favorite trait in anyone. "It could have been any lion, just like that bear." Peter told her in the same tone that Susan used. "I know Aslan when I see him." she snapped. "I saw him too." I repeated a little louder. "You've never seen him before." he was so condescending that it made me angry. "Why don't you all stop acting like grownups." Lucy clearly had enough of Peter and Susan treating her like a baby. I couldn't blame her for getting annoyed. "I am a grownup." Trumpkin said awkwardly. "The last time I didn't believe Lucy, I ended up looking pretty stupid." Edmund said. It was nice that at least one of her siblings was sticking up for her. "Why wouldn't I have seen him?" Peter asked morosely. "Maybe you weren't looking." Lucy replied. "We'll camp here tonight." Peter said. "Yes Your Majesty." I said sarcastically and I walked away.
I walked off with Trumpkin to get firewood and when we came back, Edmund started the fire so we wouldn't get cold during the night. I sat on a log and warmed myself by the fire, I pulled my cloak closer to me so the heat would stay.
  "Amelia, can I talk to you?" I heard Peter ask. I turned around and I saw him standing behind me. I really didn't want to deal with him after the way he talked to me and Lucy earlier. "Why not." I motioned for him to sit with me. "I wanted to apologize for earlier, there was no excuse. I was just frustrated that I didn't get to see Aslan." he looked me in the eyes as he apologized to me; and that's how I knew he meant every word. I looked down at my hands resting in my lap and then back at him; I didn't know why I was feeling so shy. "All is forgiven." I assured him. Peter smiled "Thank you." "Of course." I replied. I was happy things were okay between us, and I could tell Peter was happy as well. We both looked up at the stars just enjoying the night. "It's so beautiful out here." never in a million years would I think I would be out here in the middle of the woods with past Kings and Queens of Narnia and a Red Dwarf. "It is." Peter agreed. "Did you think you would be back here again?" I was curious. "I didn't, but I was sincerely hoping we would. Susan has accepted England more than Narnia, but back home we are treated like children." I could see that Peter loved Narnia so much. "That's what makes a great king, the love of his kingdom and caring about what's best for them." I touched his arm gently "I can tell you're a great leader." I saw his face turn red even though it was dark, and the fire illuminated his face. He smiled bashfully "That means a lot coming from you." he touched my hand.  His touch made my heart beat fast and my face flush. I was falling in love with him, but that was impossible, because you can't fall in love that quickly. My feelings said otherwise.

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