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    I am Princess Amelia of Telmar. I'm seventeen years old. My life has been somewhat normal for a princess, I have school with my professor Doctor Cornelius, I have riding lessons with the equestrian instructor, and despite my Aunt Prunaprismia's protesting; I learn how to fight with the swordsman. I believed that a lady should learn how to fight to defend herself from unknown dangers. Miraz agreed with my point and allowed me to continue to learn how to use a sword. My older brother Prince Caspian agreed with me as well. Caspian was twenty-one, and he was always there for me. He and I thought it would be more fun to train together. We would often train together on the training grounds, and it was even more fun because we would make fools of ourselves and play pranks on the swordsman. This annoyed our uncle much, and we didn't care. Caspian was all I had left when it came to close family; our parents had died when we were children. Miraz blames it on sickness, but I had a feeling that it was something else. He always said I was too observant for my age, but I vowed to find out what really happened to our parents.
  "Caspian, do you get the feeling there's an exciting life beyond the castle?" I asked. We were standing on the balcony above Doctor Cornelius's office, he would often take us there for our astronomy lessons, and it also became our hiding spot away from our uncle. He nodded, "Yes, sometimes I secretly hope that Narnians still exist. Think of all the amazing adventures they had and the exciting stories they have to tell." I smiled at my brother's excitement. "I wish for that as well. Maybe we can sneak out of the castle and go look for them. We can ride our horses all the way to Cair Paravel, where the king's and queens of old used to rule!" I felt like a young child again talking about the stories of Narnia with Caspian. He smiled too "I'll take you there one day." he hugged me, and I hugged him back. "We'll stick together, I promise you," he said. I knew he was the kind of person never to break a promise, but then the course of events that would take place would separate us.

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