The Night Raid

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We planned to overthrow Miraz after one of his spies had spotted us at the training camp. Caspian and I were hesitant because no one had succeeded in overthrowing Miraz. However, this would allow us to find Doctor Cornelius. Lucy had to stay behind with the others because she was too young to be in this kind of combat. Caspian, Peter, Edmund, Susan, and I were flying on griffins to be undetected by the night watch guards. Caspian and I flew to Cornelius's office; I picked open the lock and the window, and we ran inside. The office was so quiet it was eerie. Caspian was looking more distressed than I was; he picked up Cornelius's glasses. He never left without them; something was wrong. I opened the window back up, and Peter and Susan climbed into the office. "Amelia and I need to find our professor," Caspian told Peter, still holding on to the glasses. Peter was appalled, "You don't have time; you need to get to the gatehouse." "You wouldn't be here without him." I looked at my brother, "Neither would we." Caspian seemed grateful that I was on his side in this situation. Peter and Susan looked at each other and back at us. "We can take care of Miraz," Susan told us. "And we would still have time to get to the gatehouse," Caspian said. He and I ran off down the stairs to the dungeons. We had to fight off attacking soldiers on the way down there.
I knocked out the jailer with the hilt of my sword, and Caspian took the keys from his belt. Cornelius was in the farthest cell in the dungeon. The older man was chained to the ground. Caspian unlocked the cell, and we stepped inside. "Five more minutes?" he asked as he unlocked the professor's chains. "Prince! Princess! What are you doing here? I didn't help you escape so you could break back in again. You have to leave before Miraz learns you're here." he protested. I helped him up from the ground "He'll learn soon enough. We're giving him your cell." I said, determined that our plan was going well. "Don't underestimate him as your father did." he warned. I saw Caspian turn pale. "What are you talking about?" "I'm so sorry." he told us in a fatherly manner. I clenched my fists to keep from crying, and I ended up having half-moon imprints in my palms from my fingernails. Anger surged through me, and I saw Caspian had the same feeling. "He's going to pay!" We ran out of the dungeon to Miraz's room. He was sleeping soundly alongside Prunaprismia. I hated the sight of them; it was because of Miraz that Caspian and I had no father. He wanted us dead so he could have the throne to himself. Caspian drew his sword, and I did the same. My brother pointed his sword at Miraz, and I pointed mine at our aunt. Our uncle woke up and had an evil smile on his face, "Thank goodness you're safe." "Get up." Caspian ordered. He did so, and Prunaprismia woke up. She looked shocked, "Caspian? Amelia?" "Stay where you are." I growled. "What are you two doing?" She was getting scared. I saw her reach for the crossbow that was hanging on the wall. "You know this behavior is considered inappropriate." Miraz said in a bored tone. "That hasn't seemed to have stopped you." Caspian retorted. Our uncle rolled his eyes, "But you're not like me. Either one of you." he studied the both of us. "It's sad. The first time you've had a backbone, and it's a waste." he was so condescending and cruel. I was shaking so hard that my sword was trembling in my hands. Miraz looked at me, amused "Little Amelia, such a fragile flower. Always so timid about everything. Pathetic." "DON'T TALK TO HER THAT WAY!" Caspian yelled, pressing his sword into Miraz's neck. Suddenly Prunaprismia was pointing the crossbow at Caspian!  "Put the sword down, Caspian. I don't want to do this." I was clutching my sword like a lifeline. "We don't want you to either!" Susan and Peter sprang into the room. "This used to be a private room." Miraz was annoyed at the many people in the room. Peter wasn't happy with us, "What are you doing?! You're supposed to be at the gatehouse!" "No! Tonight I want the truth! Amelia and I have been suffering long enough. We deserve the truth!" Caspian was pressing the blade of his sword to Miraz's neck even harder. "Did you kill our father?" "Now we get to it." he was a monster, he was an evil emotionless monster. This confirmed my suspicion from my childhood. "Caspian, this won't make things any better." Susan tried to soothe him. "We Telmarines would have nothing had we not taken it. Your father knew that better than anyone." Miraz condescendingly told us. Prunaprismia lowered the crossbow, "You said your brother died in his sleep." Our uncle shrugged nonchalantly, "That was more or less true." "How could you?" She was appalled and confused. "For the same reason, you'll pull that trigger." Our uncle stepped menacingly towards us. I looked at Caspian terrified, and he looked back, assuring me that things will be okay. "For our son! You must choose. Do you want our child to be a king, or do you want him to be like Caspian and Amelia? Fatherless!" He shouted and ran for a secret door in the wall. Prunaprismia shot the arrow! I didn't want to see Caspian get shot! I jumped in front of him, and the arrow hit me in the shoulder. I fell to the ground from the impact.      Searing pain shot from my shoulder to the tips of my fingers. I screamed in pain, and tears ran down my face. "Amelia!" Caspian yelled in fear. He helped me up, and we ran out of the room with Peter and Susan. This whole raid was going wrong, and people left, and right was getting hurt or killed. "Signal the troops' Ed!" Peter shouted to the balcony, where Edmund was fighting a soldier. "I'm a little busy, Pete!" he knocked out the soldier with an odd metal device. I was shaking in fear, and the pain in my shoulder wasn't helping. "What are we going to do?!" I asked my brother, trying not to cry. "I don't know." he answered sadly. "Peter! It's too late! We have to call it off while we still can." Susan shouted over the commotion. "No! We can still do this! Help me!" Peter ran to the wheel that connected to the gate. The rest of us did so, and we attempted to turn the wheel with all our might. The wheel was so heavy! My arm was hurting so bad! "Just who exactly are we doing this for?" Susan said over the shouting and sounds of battle. "For Narnia!"
Peter shouted, and the battle had reached its peak. "Retreat!" All the Narnians attempted to get through the gate, and the Minotaur raised the gate as high as he could. Caspian and I got through the gate and on the back of a griffin. Susan was riding on the centaurs back. Just then, we saw the Minotaur collapse, and the remaining Narnians were trapped. I started to cry, and Caspian held me close to calm me down. We were defeated.

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