chapter 17

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George stepped out of his ship, lightsaber in hand. Today was the day he would pay.

If Obi-Wan knew George was having these thoughts, he would scold him for leaning towards the Dark Side. But alas, Obi-Wan wasn't here, and George was okay with that.

He walked down a dark hallway, eyes glued ahead. Occasionally a droid would enter the hall, but George would throw it into the wall before it even knew what was happening.

He made it about halfway down the hallway when he felt him. He followed the feeling deeper into the maze of lookalike corridors.

Dream was miserable. He had felt a slight bit of guilt before talking to George, but it was like his words had an insane amount of power over him.

If George was mad at him, it hurt Dream, like claws were ripping at his heart. He couldn't bring himself to admit it, but he still loved George.

His feelings had started the day they were partnered together as Obi-Wan's Padawans. It was extremely rare for one Jedi to be assigned two Padawans, but they made an exception for the two boys that were literally bonded by the Force itself.

The two were 9 at the time, still kids who's only problems were learning different lightsaber techniques.

Everyday, training brought the boys closer and closer together until they were easily able to call each other best friends.

7 years of spending every single day together. 7 years of cracking inappropriate jokes and getting scolded by Obi-Wan. 7 years of clashing lightsabers until they fell over in a giggling fit. 7 years of growing closer than any friends could possibly ever be.

Dream sighed and flopped back on his bed, closing his eyes. But seconds later, his eyes shot open when something changed. It was almost like his thoughts about George has summoned him.

He shot up from his bed, grabbing his lightsaber. He had no intention of hurting George, but he knew he would probably have to defend himself.

He basically threw himself through his doorway, chasing the feeling through the base. As he ran, he told himself one thing: I'll get to George, one way or another.

"We're coming up on the base. Drop out of hyperspace," Sapnap instructed Obi-Wan. He did as he was asked.

The base looked the same as it had last time Sapnap was here, only this time, it felt different, like the air around the base was trying to remind him about what happened last time.

Obi-Wan noticed the lost look on Sapnap's face. He reached out and squeezed his arm, snapping Sapnap from his thoughts. "Hey, it's going to be okay. We'll get through this."

Sapnap nodded and gave a halfhearted smile before turning his attention back out the window. The base was creeping closer into view, which wasn't helping to calm down Sapnap's nerves at all.

He took in a deep breath to steady himself. He hadn't told Obi-Wan about his dream of Master Windu, but he didn't plan on it either. Telling Obi-Wan would only make the situation even more complicated then it already was.

They soon landed at the base, wasting no time on sprinting inside. They began to jog down the hallways, turning left and right at random. Hey didn't know where George was, but they knew that they had to find him.

George stopped dead in his tracks. The feeling, his connection to Dream, was at its strongest. He turned around to see a figure in black round the corner.

They didn't immediately notice George, but once they did, they stopped.

The figure lifted their head, revealing Dream's handsome face.

The tension in the air was so thick, you could cut it with a knife.

There was about 20 feet standing in between the two, but the tension made it feel like they were standing right in front of each other.

George wasted no time in equipping his lightsaber, wanting vengeance. Dream equipped his, wanting to keep his limbs in tact.

George sprinted across the hallway, quickly closing the gap between the two. George took the offensive position, immediately swinging his sword at Dream.

Dream, however, took the defense. Normally, he would just overpower the other person and kill them quickly, but he couldn't do that. Not to George.

George continued to swing wildly at Dream, who was barely able to block the blows.

After blocking a few more hits and almost losing an arm, Dream was being pushed backwards by George's lightsaber. He knew that if he didn't do something, he would either have to hurt George or die.

George pushed his lightsaber closer and closer to Dream's neck, the heat of it almost burning his flesh.

Just when George was sure he had won, Dream muttered three words that George wasn't at all expecting.

"I love you."

{817 words}
So... some people I know may or may not have found my WattPad account? And they may or may not have started reading this story in a group call on Discord and made me listen and suffer? Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. In case you haven't noticed, we're getting closer to the end :,( but I still hope you'll enjoy these last few chapters.

Much love,
Sa1ty Lettuce

~Galaxies Apart~ a dreamnotfound fanficWhere stories live. Discover now