chapter 11

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As Bad brought down the lightsaber, George closed his eyes and braced himself for the pain.

But the weird thing was? The pain never came.

When George finally opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Sapnap and Master Windu taking down BadBoyHalo.

Within a matter of seconds, Windu had his saber to Bad'd throat while Sapnap put him in Force-proof handcuffs, a rare tool that few people possessed. If in the wrong hands, these very handcuffs could be the downfall of the Jedi.

Once Bad was secured, Sapnap walked over to George, who was still recovering from the shock of his two unexpected visitors.

"Let's get you out of here," Sapnap said, releasing George's cuffs.

As he helped George to his feet, George winced in pain.

"What's wrong?" Sapnap asked, still having not seen the giant flesh wound on George's thigh.

George glances down at his leg. Sapnap followed his gaze, his eyes widening at the sight of the gash.

"Oh... Do you think you can walk?" Sapnap asked, still staring at George's leg.

George nodded weakly. Sapnap looped George's arm over his shoulder, doing his best to take most of the weight off of his bad leg.

One step in, George already stumbled. Had Sapnap not caught him, he would have fallen all the way down.

Sapnap shrugged and picked up George bridal style, being careful with his bad leg. Master Windu opened the door into the hallway, looking both ways before gesturing for Sapnap to follow.

The hallway was as dark and scary as the room George had been in. It was completely blank, minus some doors that led to god knows where.

Master Windu turned to the left, George and Sapnap not far behind. He slowed slightly so he was walking next to the other two.

"Our shuttle isn't too far from here. All we have to do now is get through without being seen," he said next to George's ear. He nodded, signifying he understood.

After a few more twists and turns down the seemingly never ending hallways, a small ship came into view. Master Windu continued to walk towards it, so George assumed that it must be their way out of here.

Everything big was going according to plan. They hadn't been spotted and they were basically home free. Or so they thought.

The sound of a lightsaber activating stopped everyone dead in their tracks. Master Windu turned first, his purple lightsaber already ready for battle.

He nodded his head towards the ship, a signal for Sapnap to continue to the ship with an injured George.

Sapnap did as he was told. They were only a few hundred feet away from the ship. Sapnap was moving as fast as he could with the extra weight in his arms.

As he half jogged, half power walked, the sound of clashing lightsabers could be heard. These sounds, mixed with the occasional grunt or battle cry, told the others what they already assumed: Mace Windu was taking on Dream.

As George and Sapnap began to make their way up the ramp of the ship, a loud cry was heard. Sapnap, as gently and as quickly as he could, sat George down just inside of the ship. Both boys looked towards the direction of the sound to see Master Windu with a red lightsaber sticking through his chest.

"Argh!" Sapnap screamed as he ran towards Dream to avenge his Master. George tried to stop him, but it was too late. Sapnap's green saber clashed against George's red one, creating a god-awful noise that George could hear from the ship.

It looked like Dream said something to Sapnap, causing him to lose his focus.

In this moment of a slip up, Dream brought up his lightsaber, severing Sapnap's arm from the rest of his body.

"NO!" George screamed. Dream turned to face him. George didn't care. He mustered Force energy to pull Sapnap's half conscious body to the ship. Dream just stood where he was, watching George.

Once Sapnap's limp form passed into the ship, George eased him down and slammed his hand on the button to close the door of the ship.

As the door of the ship eased shut, George made eye contact with Dream.

He looked him directly in the eyes, knowing that this monster no longer held any portion of his heart.

George dragged himself to the cockpit, tears streaming down his cheeks. He quickly typed in the coordinates for Corasant.

As soon as he was done, he dragged himself back over to Sapnap, ignoring the pain shooting up his leg. He propped himself against the wall, lifting Sapnap's head into his lap.

He loved Sapnap like a younger brother, and seeing him like this hurt more than any lightsaber could.

With one last look at Sapnap's half lidded eyes, he fell into unconsciousness.

{811 words}
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Right now I'm working on creating a Dream Team Discord (I have no idea when I'll actually finish it lmao).

Much love,
Sa1ty Lettuce

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