13| Pain

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Zero's POV

I didn't want attention drawn towards me as everyone stared, their eyes filled with anger, distrust, confusion, and worry.

Angry at me because of the war, distrust because I took away several innocent lives, confused because I was at their base along with the fact they didn't know what happened, and worried because Gadget's badly hurt.

But, I have no choice.

I needed their help, knowing that Gadget's badly hurt right now.

Tears began to appear more and started streaming down to the sides of my face as I looked at them.

That's when I completely lost it.

I broke down and began crying as I started begging and pleading them to give Gadget immediate medical attention after I explained what happened to him, what was going on and why was I here with him before Shadow appeared out of nowhere and started picking a fight with me.

I noticed one of the Sonic team members disappeared and came back with medical supplies and a stretcher to put Gadget in so they can get him to the infirmary and have the injury treated.

That albino hedgehog.

Silver, I think his name was.

I rested Gadget's body on my lap as Silver came over before he began treating the head injury that Gadget had gotten when he jumped between me and Shadow before he was kicked in the face.

"Alright. It's done. Lay him down on the stretcher gently for me and we'll get him to the infirmary." Silver instructed as he looked at me.

I nodded before doing what he asked me.

My gaze softened as I looked over at Gadget before I held his hand and squeezed it a little bit lightly but being gentle.

Then I letted go of his hand as I watched Silver take him away inside the building, sending him straight to the infirmary.

Nobody didn't have any words to say until Sonic mentioned that they'll take me in for interrogation and decide on whenever or not if they should reconsider and forgive me or send me off to prison.

My face paled after hearing Sonic mention the "send me off to prison" part.

If I get sent off to prison, it'll be just like what I said to Gadget before we came here and he got knocked out by Shadow.

I'll never be able to see him again.

I started hyperventilating at the thought of that, forgetting that it was happening to me right in front of Sonic and the rest of the resistance.

"Infinite? Are you okay?" I heard Sonic ask.

I didn't respond, knowing I was unable to because of the hyperventilating that's currently happening to me right now.

They can't send me to jail...

They just can't.

I'm not the same without my beloved.

I fell on my knees before falling forward to the ground, clutching my chest like someone just sucked the air out of my body and then gave me poisonous miasma to make things harder for me to breathe


"What's wrong with him?"

"He's hyperventilating!"

"Slow your breathing!"

"Calm down, Infinite!"

Hearing them saying stuff like that was deaf to my ears.

I couldn't even hear them because of my hyperventilating.

All I was mostly terrified about was being sent to prison, and that was the only thing that's being played over and over in my mind right now.

As I looked over at them, everything started to become blurry until I slowly shutted my eyes and passed out.

The last thing I felt was somebody picking me up before I was hurriedly carried off somewhere.

I was thinking it might be Silver, but....I wasn't so sure.

Oh well...

Hopefully, things'll go smoothly, and I'll be able to see Gadget again after I have that interrogation and been confirmed that I can stay.

I'll Stay By Your Side (Infinite x Gadget) [Paused]Where stories live. Discover now