4| Losing Sanity

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Zero's POV

After Gadget left the room, I looked down and stared at my feet for a bit, feeling tears starting to appear in my eyes and threatening to fall to the sides of my face again.

I've lost everything when I joined forces with that stupid, pathetic Dr.Eggman.

My home, my squad...Everything.

After the war was over, Eggman forcefully took the Phantom Ruby out of my chest and destroyed it before kicking me out into the city and leaving me behind.

Just tossed away like a ragdoll, and a useless piece of trash that I deserved to be called since I took away several lives of the innocent and almost tried to kill Sonic and the others with my "Virtual Sun" attack.

Including Gadget.

That red wolf newbie who's currently been treating and giving me with so much kindness.

Even when I look at him in the eyes, he still shows kindness and has always been forgiving me for the sins I've done to him and Sonic.

And he seems to be the only one who knows and understands that I was only just a victim of the Phantom Ruby's power.

I know Shadow wouldn't ever forgive me after all of what I've caused that's happened.

He wouldn't trust me no matter what I would do to even at least gain a little bit of his trust.

After feeling the pain and emptiness in my chest, and being filled with so much regret, I began crying again as a voice in my head started telling me I was weak, scum to the sights of others, useless, along with everyone being happy that they'd throw a party if I killed myself.

They'd be saying that I was better off dead anyways.

"St-Stop...Stop it...Please..." I begged before clutching my head, trying to get the voice to quit.

"No one cares about you! Your squad hates you and would wish to see you die! You deserve to burn in hell after what you've done and made everyone suffer and go through!"

"B-But, i-it's not....my....fault....Th-They'd understand i-if they w-were here..."

"Who cares?!"

"G-Gadget...He - -"

"He's just faking it! All of that pity, kindness, and the forgiveness he was giving you? It was all fake and a lie! Just like the others, he'll never trust you and thinks that you'd be better off dead anyways!"

"N-No...I won't believe it..."

"Or will you? Face the facts, you sick bastard, you're nothing! No one will never care about or trust you! EVER!"

I went silent after the voice in my head said that.

Maybe the voice was right.

Gadget would probably be happy if I was dead. He wouldn't care anyways.

After thinking about it, that's when I decided that I've had enough of this.

I could already feel my world falling and crumbling down into ruin around me while I felt myself completely losing my sanity.

I looked around the room before noticing that Gadget happened to find my sword somehow when I was unconscious from when I saved him and his life as soon as that building was about to fall and crush him.

I don't know what happened to my mask but I no longer care about it.

Sonic and everyone else have already seen my identity now.

I got up and walked over, with my head hanging down, before grabbing the sword.

At the moment I grabbed it, I failed to notice or even hear a knock on the door as Gadget was asking me about something.

I was so numb from the sanity that I've completely lost that I didn't even bother to say anything. All I said in response was "I'm okay. You shouldn't worry about me." before I looked back at the sword.

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