Back To Work

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It has been about five weeks since Bret came home from the hospital. A couple days after the breakfast, I received the lightest period I've ever had since I was eleven years old. I couldn't help but think that I was pregnant. I called Jane up the other day and took a test at her apartment, only to have it come back negative. When it came back negative, I went home and tried again with Bret. There are only a few things that I want in life and this is one of them. I want another baby more than anything.

We have been trying every night for this baby. There's just this feeling I have that it's not going to happen. It's just not a very good feeling that I have. Have you ever had that feeling in the pit of your stomach when you know something bad is going to happen? That's exactly what I have. Whenever the subject gets brought up, that feeling returns and I begin to feel nauseous. 

The only good thing about the baby subject, is that I went back to work the other day which is temporarily distracting me. The day I went back to work, we received a murder. A twenty-one year old woman was found dead outside of a bar. She is a very pretty young woman- long, wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, with fair skin. We have not yet further identified her or found the cause of death; however, Jane has her suspicions. 

When I first walked into work, I was greeted by everyone. Cavanaugh was the first one to shake my hand and welcome me back to the team. Next was Korsak and Frankie. After talking to the three men for a little bit, I went downstairs to autopsy to where my second home is. The second I walked downstairs, Lexi looked at me as if she was trying to warn me about something. She looked like she was very aggravated, about to break something. "What's wrong?" I asked her in a hushed tone. 

She turned her head to look in the autopsy room before she whispered, "Pike! I'm going to kill him."

"What's he doing?" 

"Organizing your tools for you to start the autopsy with," she answered.

"Welcome back, Maura," I mumbled to myself as I rolled my eyes before placing my bag next to my desk. I walked into autopsy and greeted Doctor Pike. "Good morning Doctor Pike. May I ask what you are doing?"

Without even looking at me, he answered, "I can not deal with how these tools are scattered everywhere. I don't know how you do your job with this mess."

"It is good to see you too," I spoke sarcastically as I put a set of scrubs on to begin the autopsy. The one and only thing that I did not miss about this job is having to put up with Pike. This man is so negative, I can't stand it. But at least I work normal hours because I have a family to go home to now. So that means I only have eight hours to deal with Pike instead of fourteen long, excruciating hours.

Beginning my first autopsy back, I tried to be very steady and very careful. Pike, however, wanted me to rush through it. I tried to keep explaining to him that science can not be rushed- it is a very slow process, especially if you want to be thorough and accurate. 

I was about ready to break something myself by the time lunch came. After getting something to eat at the cafe, I went upstairs to where Jane and the guys were. As I spent lunch up there, I realized how much I missed working here. Or, how much my life has changed. I used to come to work every day, seven days a week, and work a good fourteen-sixteen hours, depending on how much work I had to do. Now, I am working six days a week, eight hours a day. 

When lunch was over, I had no choice but to go back downstairs with Lexi and Pike. On the bright side, I do not have to deal with him by myself. Thank God for Lexi- I don't know what I would do without her. I feel like if she was not working with us anymore, I would go insane. I need someone in autopsy with Pike and me to keep me sane.

After four agonizing hours, I was finally able to leave work. I was too entirely excited to go back home to my baby and my husband. Driving home, I received a text from Bret asking me to pick up a few things from the grocery store. 

Once I bought milk, butter, chicken breasts, bread crumbs, and shredded cheese, I put them in the car and hit the road. The thought of eating chicken parm made me even more excited to go home. Bret makes the best chicken parmesan. 

Walking through my front door, I was immediately greeted by Elizabeth. She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the kitchen to where all of my pots and pans were scattered all over the floor. "Me and daddy cook," she hollered. This little girl is absolutely adorable with the way she speaks.

"You and daddy are cooking? I bet it's delicious- what are you making?" I asked her as I bent down, trying to keep her communicating. 

"Chicken!" she yelled. It's funny how she can not yet pronounce her H's, so instead of saying chicken, it sounds like cicken. 

"Chicken?! That's exciting!" I shouted back to her, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. As I said this, Bret came walking out and surprised me.

He startled me as he grabbed my hips and pulled me back towards him. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed. 

"Ha ha, sorry," he whispered as he kissed me. "Didn't mean to startle you.

"Hey," I greeted him and continued, "...Is there any reason why our daughter is playing with my expensive pots and pans?"

"Well I believe she is cooking," he told me. 

I gave him a look as I picked Elizabeth up and kissed her on her cheek. "Mommy loves you, but you can not play with the pots and pans."

Handing Elizabeth off to Bret, I bent down and started cleaning up the kitchen. Bret whispered to Elizabeth, "She's such a kill joy, isn't she?" 

I stood up and told him, "Oh am I? Then I guess you're sleeping alone tonight."

After putting Elizabeth down, he walked over to me and kissed the crevice of my neck. "Oh come on..." he mumbled against my neck. 

"Yeah, and I had a pretty rough day at work too..." I said, teasing him. 

"Well what do I have to do to make you change your mind?"

Walking away from him, I sat down at the island and answered, "Make the best chicken parm you've ever made."

"It's a deal," he responded before cooking. 

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