Trevor Williams

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Over the course of the next couple days, many different people from work came to visit me and the baby in the hospital. Bret and I made the final decision to name him Trevor, from our Irish origin. Lexi has stopped by a few times to tell me stories about Pike, poor thing. For some reason, he is not expecting me to return to the station to carry on my job. Lexi was telling me about how he renovated everything in the autopsy room- my autopsy room. 

I can not wait to leave this hospital in a couple days and go back to work. I am definitely not the type of person to sit down and do nothing but rest all day long. With this new baby, who knows how long I'll be out of work for. My maternity leave might get renewed, due to our son's disability. 


Getting discharged from the hospital was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Bret and I had to leave our baby behind. The second we walked into our house, we were greeted by Angela, Jane, and David, Jane's new boyfriend. 

I was pretty surprised to see this man, whom I just met, standing in my living room. He is very tall, at least six-two, with dark brown hair and blue eyes; his complextion complimented Jane perfectly. He was dressed in gray Nike track pants with a matching track jacket, finishing his outift with a nice pair of under armour sneakers; you could definitely tell that this guy was a gym teacher. 

Bret quickly made his way over to David; he was so excited to have another man in the house. I think all of the estrogen levels in this house have gotten to his head. Ha! 

Meanwhile, I sat down at the dining room table with Jane and Angela to rest. "So how's he doing, Maura?" Angela asked me. 

"He's doing well. His condition is not very severe, but he needs to stay there for the next couple days," I told them.

Jane added, "He looks just like you, Maur. The eyes, nose, chin, everything."

I smiled at that comment. He was the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen. Angela said to me, "You know- he's going to be such a mama's boy."

"I've actually been thinking about fully resigning and being a stay-at-home mom," I announced, leaving them both speechless.

"What?" Angela asked.

"You can't resign!" Jane protested, getting everyone's attention. "Why would you want to give up everything you worked so hard for?!"

Bret walked over to the table and asked me, "You're going to resign? Maura, we never discussed this."

"I need to be there for Trevor. He's going to need a lot more attention than Elizabeth did; we can't both be working," I explained.

"We'll talk about this later, ok? Just focus on getting better right now," he said.

Jane reached over and grabbed my hand, "Yeah Maur. We're all here to help too. You're not going to be doing this alone."

I had nothing else to say on the matter of this subject. If I want to resign in order to help my son, then I will; and no one will change my mind. Trying to change the subject, I asked Jane's boyfriend, "So David, I heard you're a high school teacher?"

He cleared his throat before answering, "Yes. I teach ninth grade health and gym, as well as a weight elective."

"Oh, sounds fascinating. What is the weight elective?" I asked.

"It's an elective. We go into the weight room and lift. It's a class for those who want to continue working out after completing all their gym courses."

"That sounds like a fun class. And you coach baseball?"

"That would be correct. I was just announced as head coach this year."

"Well congratulations!" I told him.

"Thank you. It is a lot of fun being with the kids," he spoke.

As we talked about his career, Jane kept looking at me, hoping that I would give her my approval. He seems like a very put-together man; I like him so far. As long as Jane is happy with him, then I am happy for her. She deserves someone to be happy with, especially after someone like Casey. I feel like I have said this over a million times, but it's true. She needs it.

Bret and David get along great too; they are always talking to each other. Seeing everyone so happy made me think about Trevor and how lonely he might be at the hospital all by himself. I wish I can be with him right now, but I will drive there first thing tomorrow to see him. He is so tiny and fragile. His skin is very soft to the touch and his precious little lips are as pink as can be. 

I love my little girl Elizabeth, but there is just something different about Trevor. From that moment Jane showed me the picture of him, the moment I first saw him, I felt an instant connection. All mothers feel that with any baby of theirs and I definitely felt it with Elizabeth. There is just something much stronger between Trevor and me, especially when the doctor laid him in my arms.

Jane must have taken notice that I was zoning out in the middle of the conversation; she asked me, "You alright, Maur?"

Immediately, I looked over at her and replied, "What? Yes, of course."

"Are you sure? Because you look like you were just in outer space or something."

"Yes Jane, I'm sure. Although, outer space sounds fun!"

The four of them laughed at my response. Well, I'm glad someone thinks I'm funny. Ha! 

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