Hi, Baby

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Later on that day, Kate and my mother came into the hospital with Elizabeth. "Why would you bring Elizabeth?" I asked my Ma as she sat down. Thank God I enrolled Emma in preschool- she's someone else's problem during the day. No, I'm just kidding. Maybe.

"Well I wanted to see Maura and the baby. No one was able to watch her," she told me.

"So how's Maura?" Kate asked, interrupting my mother.

As I explained to Kate what happened back in Maura's office, some woman made an announcement over the loud speaker in the hospital. "Code pink in the NICU. Code pink in the NICU," she calmly announced. Why did this sound so familiar? I tried to remember back to the time I heard this announcement before. Then suddenly, I remembered as if I was there again.

"We have a code pink, again we have a code pink."

Maura immediately stood up from her bed and dodged towards the door. I stood up from my seat and asked, "Where are you going?"

She turned around to face me and I saw tears streaming down her face. Not being able to speak, she whimpered, "I...the...ca...pi..."

"Calm down, Maura. What's going on?" I asked her.

Instead of responding with words, she grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the nursery. She walked very fast as we reached our destination. She pointed at the window.

"That's what's going on!" she hollered.

As I looked through the window, I saw her son being handled by several doctors and nurses.

"Maura, I don't understand what's going on."

She turned to me with sorrow and hurt in her eyes. "Code pink is when there is a cardio-respiratory arrest in an infant, toddler, or child," she explained.

"So..." I hesitated as I looked through the window at Baby Jake. I've never seen anyone perform CPR on an infant before. It wasn't too long after before we saw the color wash out of the baby's face. He turned pale blue faster than we could blink. The doctor backed away from him and covered her face with the palms of her hands. I saw her rub her eyes as if she knew she messed up. The nurse walked over to her and asked her something. When I saw her shake her head no, I grabbed Maura and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh my God," I said as I stood up from my chair and headed over to the doors of the hallway. I started to run around the waiting room like a crazy person. Running over to the front desk, I asked them if they knew what the hell was going on, but nobody knew. I went back over to the door of the NICU and tried to look in. There were a bunch of medical people inside and around the nursery.

"What is it, Jane?" Ma asked, followed by Kate. 

Turning around, I explain what code pink was to my mother. Immediately, Bret stood up with Elizabeth and walked over to us. "What?" he asked. "Here," he handed Elizabeth to me as he ran into the NICU to find out what's going on.

"Do you think it's Maura's baby?" Ma asked as we both tried to look into the hallway.

"I'm not sure."

As we were trying to watch Bret, Maura's doctor interrupted us. "Ms Rizzoli?" he asked. Immediately, my mother and I both turned around. "Doctor Isles will be fine. She suffered from a spontaneous pneumothorax, the cause of this is unknown," he announced to us.

"What is that?" Ma asked.

"Collapsed lung," he said with little words.

"Well what happened? You helped her, didn't you?" I questioned him.

Winging It:  Exceptionally Beautiful ~ {A Rizzoli & Isles Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now