Come On, Honey

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3 weeks later...

"So when is he able to come home?" Jane asked me, referring to Bret being discharged from the hospital.

"Tomorrow afternoon if we're lucky," I answered as I got changed.

Today, my plans were just going to the hospital and spending some time with Bret. Jane and I brought Elizabeth to see him the other day and everything frightened her. Everything from the wires, to the doctors, to the machines made her cry. It was just frightening for her to see her father tangled in all of those wired like he was. I should've known- she is only two years old. 

I figured that since Bret was transferred out of the Intensive Care Unit, then it wouldn't have been so scary for Elizabeth. It was almost as if she didn't know who he was. 

Bret and I are both so grateful for everyone who has been visiting him. Many people have been dropping food off at the house so I didn't have to worry about cooking for Elizabeth and myself. Not a day has gone by when Bret did not receive any visitors. But today was different. I figured that we should bring our "Saturday Date Nights" back, so I made sure that it would just be the two of us today. Words can not even begin to describe how excited I am to finally have alone time with my husband. Or, as much alone time as his doctors would give us.

Helping me pick out an outfit, Jane replied, "Well that's exciting. I bet you two can't wait to get tangled in the sheets."

"Jane, it has been almost a year."

"You went a year without having sex?" she asked me, shocked.

I chuckled, "Well not quite a year, I said almost. And yes, that's what happens when you're sick. Dear Lord, it feels like five years."

"I bet. Well, I wish you two all the luck tomorrow night. I'll even babysit for you."

"No, Jane. I don't even know if he's well enough to have intercourse. And you don't need to babysit- I don't want to spring that on you," I told her.

She sighed and replied, "Jesus, Maura. She's my niece- you're not springing anything on me."

"Are you sure it wouldn't be a burden?" 

"No, absolutely not! Besides, Emma needs someone her age to play ponies with," she joked.

After putting a belt on my jeans, I sat down on the edge of my bed. "Thank you for everything Jane."

"Not a problem," she whispered as she wrapped me in a hug. 

Not only was I excited for our little date today, but now I am excited for night tomorrow. As long as Bret is feeling better and he comes home, then I will be happy. Not just happy, but ecstatic. It has been such a long time since the two of us had a romantic evening. Even if it's just laying on the couch and watching television- I wouldn't care as long as he is home.

After getting changed and doing my makeup, I walked out into the living room where Kate, Emma, and Elizabeth were. Picking up my baby, I whispered, "Mommy will be back." I gave her a few quick kisses before putting her back down on the couch. Kate and the girls were watching Cinderella together. For some reason, Elizabeth has been obsessed with the old Disney Princesses. I mean, I'm not complaining at all, but I wish she would watch something a bit more...informative. The only thing Cinderella has in it is singing mice. How is that educational?

Sometimes, Bret and I would argue about those cartoons. Of course, he wins, even though it should be the other way around. But he has opened my mind up to some of them. Such as The Little Mermaid. Now that is a classic.

"Alright Kate, I'll see you later," I said as I grabbed a jacket to throw on. 

"Alright Maur, don't have too much fun," she responded.

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