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Jane's POV

It's been about a month and a half since I met David at the Red Sox game. I invited him over for dinner the other day so he could meet my pride and joy, Emma. From the second he walked through the door, Emma loved him. She was showing David all of her toys and barbies and ponies, making him play along with her. I was so excited to find out that he got along so well with my little girl, because now I know he's just about perfect. The only thing I need to do now is introduce him to the rest of my crazy, hectic family.

At work, a lot of things have changed within the past month. Because of Maura's pregnancy, we had to change many things around. For starters, Lexi has to do most of the on-hand things at the crime scenes, so Maura makes sure nothing causes harm to the baby. Also, because Maura is leaving in two months, Pike is starting to ease his way back in to the autopsy room. "Gee, if you keep popping babies out, Doctor Isles, I'll have to take your job," he would say to her, making me want to hurt someone.

The nerve that that man has is unbelievable. I don't understand what he has against Maura and if he does have a crush on her, this is one hell of a way of showing it. 

Today at work, Maura stayed in her office doing research while Lexi was in the crime lab performing all of the tests. Whenever I had a break, I would go downstairs and keep Maura company. "How are you feeling?" I asked her as I sat down on her uncomfortable chair.

"Fine. Cramping a little and have heartburn, but I'm fine," she said as she smiled.

"Hm. The joys of pregnancy, huh?" I joked.

"Yeah, and this baby has been the most active he's ever been today."

"Oh, really? Is he moving right now?" 

She paused and felt around her stomach before answering me. "No, he just stopped, but he will probably start back up again soon."

I smiled just as she inched her chair back and called me over, "Oh! He's kicking again!" 

I ran over as fast as I could. She grabbed my hands and guided my to where the baby was kicking. I felt many pulsing kicks and punches within a few seconds. Emma has never been this active, thank God. After a strong and powerful kick, Maura gasped, "Ouch!"

Looking up at her, I laughed and said, "I'd say that's a field goal."

"Ha, maybe Bret does have his hockey player after all," she replied.

I closed my eyes in annoyance as I laughed and told her, "Football, Maura."

"Oh," she chuckled.

"Aw, Maura. I'm so happy for you!"

 "I'm so excited. We are going to be an actual family!"

"Well what were you before?" I asked her, laughing.

"Well, I meant a full family. Before, it was just Bret, Elizabeth, and me. Now, it's going to be the four of us. I don't know, I can't exactly explain it."

I chuckled, "I know what you mean. You are a growing family now."

"That's exactly what I meant to say," she told me as she spun her chair around and slid herself back to her desk. I made my way back to her couch until she started coughing and gasping for air. When I turned around to look at her, she was leaning over her chair on the side, trying to take deep breaths.

"Maur, are you alright?!" I asked her. When I went over to her, she had her palm flattened along her chest, with her eyes closed, breathing very abnormally. Not knowing what to do, I screamed, hollered, yelled for Lexi. I screamed as loud as my lungs would let me; if Lexi didn't hear me, I would be shocked.

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