You got me high so fast

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With his career working out so perfectly, the only thing that he was worried about was his feelings. His feelings for his best friend. LanZ. Lan Zhan. Lan Wangji.

He couldn't quite remember when it all started. He was still a teenager back then and the crush hit him hard! After all, he had no idea who LanZ really was. He had developed these feelings just by texting him all over the years, sharing his fears, his dreams... everything!

And at one point he realized... shit, he was in love!

More than once, he played with the idea of just telling him the truth. But there were doubts every time. His brother and even his parents had told him time after time to not trust people on the internet blindly. He belonged to one of the most influential families in the country. What if this LanZ used him or began blackmailing him? No, there was still too much uncertainty – even when Jiang Ying's heart told him that his friend would never do that to him. The doubt was always on his mind.

In the end, it turned out he had been worried for nothing.

Lan Zhan had told him about his own family background when they were 18 and Wei Ying started his Instagram account. His friend wanted to follow and text him there, too, but his profile was set on private and Wei Ying was confused why Lan Zhan hesitated to let him see his profile completely. Since his profile picture was way too small to actually recognize anything, Wuxian really wanted to know how his friend looked like. Lan Zhan told him that his face might be a bit shocking.

"Shocking? Are you ugly or something? Don't worry Lan Zhan, I won't stop being your friend because of such a superficial reason."

Lan Zhan texted him back immediately. "No. It's just... You probably know me already."

For a moment, Wei Wuxian's heard had stopped functioning. He... already knew Lan Zhan? He went through all of his closer contacts and colleagues in his mind, trying to remember how people had interacted with him recently. But nobody he had ever met acted close to what he imagined Lan Zhan to be like, with his way with words and thoughtful way of argumentation. That could only mean one thing...

"Know you? That's impossible! Or... are you a STALKER??"

"Wei Ying, don't be ridiculous."

Wuxian took a deep breath. He was really bad with riddles and the way Lan Zhan tried to avoid this topic at the moment was the greatest riddle he had ever encountered.

"Ok ok, I believe you. Just let me see your profile, alright? If I don't react the way you want to just block me and... Wait no, that's a bad idea."


"Don't you "..." me! This is serious! Listen, I promise you that I don't care who you are or what you look like. We've been texting for years. We are friends, right?"


Wei Wuxian had been surprised, but happy that he managed to convince his friend to accept his Follow Request on Instagram.

There we go! Let's see how our little Lan Zhan looks like!

Little Lan Zhan his ass.

Wei Wuxian literally cried in relief when he found out, who his longstanding friend really was: the Lan medical empire's second heir, Lan Wangji. Tall build, stylish dark brown hair, and heavenly golden eyes. This boy was far from ugly and Wei Ying had nearly choked on his own spit after Lan Zhan had accepted his request on Instagram and he could finally look at the few pictures Wangji had posted. After that Wuxian couldn't hold back his crush any longer, his feeling ran deeper and deeper.

Don't get him wrong. The moment he found out the person behind the name LanZ was a person he had heard of before through his brother and whose face he had seen so many times on the news, he nearly fainted. LanZ had told him a while ago that Wei Ying could call him Lan Zhan (which he found adorable!), but now that name made actual sense! A-Cheng had always called his friend Lan Wangji, never Lan Zhan, since that was his personal birth name, and the Lan's apparently set great values upon not letting just anyone call them by their birth name. So, Wei Ying wasn't even aware that Lan Wangji had any other name!

And even the name Lan Zhan had given himself on YouTube, LanZ, was not a great hint, since there were so many Lan's out there! Their family was huge! He had worked with models before, who had Lan as their family name, but they had no direct connection to the family empire and were only distantly related to the main branch. Thus, Wei Ying would have never ever come up with the idea that his pen-pal on YouTube was actually the second heir of the Lan medical empire, and actually the Lan Wangji his own brother had gone to school with.

Knowing that Lan Wangji came from a similar background took his fear of possibly being blackmailed or treated differently by his friend if he ever figures out who Wei Wuxian really was.

But still... He didn't tell Lan Zhan the truth.

He didn't really have a good explanation for his behavior. Was it fear? Of what? Lan Zhan had a similar background, he wouldn't judge. He had known him for years, they got through the Wen situation together, Wangji kept him company during his worst colds, and all his sicknesses. He basically knew him the best.

He couldn't do it.

He always felt this weird panic coming up whenever he picked up his phone to tell his friend the truth...

Lan Wangji was friends with the public figure Wei Wuxian. The boy who got popular through his YouTube videos and Instagram. Yes, he knew him the best. But not his real name. Or his family.

What, if he hated him after finding out? Thinking that he lied to him even after finding out that he was a Lan? Questioning why he didn't reveal his own identity after that...

Wei Wuxian racked his brain day-in, day-out, trying to find a solution for this situation he had gotten himself into. Should he simply tell Lan Zhan the truth? Just write him a message? Or send him an explanation via video? No. That wouldn't do. He had to tell him personally. Face to face.

And maybe use that opportunity to just tell him about his feelings as well – just to clear up the whole situation completely! It took him a few months (or even more than a year) to finally come to that conclusion. He had to admit it himself: He really was a coward.

So, the next step now was to get Lan Wangji to meet him. They had never seen each other in person before. Of course, Wei Ying's face was basically everywhere nowadays, and Lan Wangji was also a prominent public figure since he was the little brother of Lan Xichen's, the head of the Lan medical empire. But Wei Wuxian had never heard Lan Zhan's voice because he rarely gave interviews and that were very short answers as well. And the younger Lan heir never went to any fashion-related events where Wei Ying appeared at. So, Wuxian had to take matters into his own hands and somehow manage for them to meet.

But he didn't want to appear suspicious, asking for a meeting out of nowhere. Maybe calling each other on the phone from time to time, or even facetiming each other was a good start. Wei Ying had to admit, the thought of finally speaking with Lan Zhan personally gave him chills, nice chills, and a wonderful warm feeling in his body.

God, he really had it bad for this guy.

Unexpectedly... he was rejected.

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