The Introduction

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"It's been a year already, heh? Wow, how time flies when you're having fun..."

"Don't be so sarcastic, brother Cheng! We haven't seen you for at least four months – well, except for Jin Zixuan over there maybe..."

"As if! Whenever he's over he only has eyes for Yanli. The last time I spoke with him was probably at the Spring Gala in March... You know, the one where you had to attend that business trip with your brother and couldn't make it?"

"Uh, don't remind me! I'm still mad that Big Brother made me miss that fashion show! Everyone and their mums were there – except for me!"

"Calm down, brother Huaisang, please. We already reserved your spot at the Summer Gala, right in the VIP section. Won't that show be even better, since your collection will be presented as well?"

"Always the peacemaker, heh, Meng Yao?"

The three boys turned their heads to the new voice that had interrupted their hushed conversation.

"Zixuan! You finally joined us," Jiang Cheng said in an amused tone. "Weren't you just staring out of the window like a lovesick puppy a moment ago?"

The boy clad in a casual white outfit and golden blazer smiled at the boy mockingly, "Speak for yourself, dipshit. We all know that you've been eying Wen Qing since she got here. I'm getting married this summer, what's your excuse?"

Next to him, Nie Huaisang tried to hide his snicker behind his fan while Meng Yao had also difficulties suppressing the smile on his face. They all knew that Jiang Cheng had a thing for the young doctor and had tried to find the right moment to approach her for a while now. But since she had been sitting with Lan Xichen, probably discussing business while they were waiting for the official event to start, he just couldn't bring himself to interrupt their conversation.

Jiang Cheng blushed and glared at his future brother-in-law before throwing the two other boys an angry look as well.

"Shut up, all of you! Mind your own business, damnit!"

Jin Zixuan smiled confidently, but changed the topic anyway, "Speaking of business, why are you here already, greeting us in the name of your father? It's the annual Sunshot Celebration after all."

Before Jiang Cheng could answer, Nie Huaisang made a surprised sound, "Lan Wangji, why are you just sitting over there? How long have you been here?"

The other boys turned to the youngest Lan heir in confusion. None of them had noticed him until now. The young man stood up from his chair by the huge round table just a few meters away from them and walked over to the small group of peers, showing little to no expression on his face as usual.

"I arrived with my brother."

"Huh, so why didn't you join us earlier? We haven't seen you in a long while, either!" Nie Huaisang asked.

Lan Wangji just looked at the boy, not giving a verbal answer... as usual. Jiang Cheng groaned and rolled his eyes.

"He's always been like that. At least now he actually doesn't avoid us anymore, like when we first met him... Anyway!" He pushed his short hair out of his face and then cast a glance at his watch.

"Father and mother will arrive shortly. They had some last-minute business to take care of and Yanli wanted to join them, so you have to put up with me for now."

The boys nodded in understanding, then walked over to the open balcony while continuing their small talk, or in Lan Wangji's case following the conversation without comment.

The view they had from the balcony was incredible. Since the four business empires celebrated their victory over the Wen company every year on the same three days, the families took turns in organizing that event. This year the Jiang's were in charge. The celebration took place on the top floor of their HQ in a spacious conference room, right in the outskirts of the city, close to the wonderful lakes and lotus piers the company owned – people actually called this area of the city Lotus Pier since many buildings here belonged to the Yunmeng Jiang Company. The view, therefore, was beautiful.

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