Let Me Fly

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This marks the end of Wangji's flashback, next up is Wei Ying's POV... So you still have to wait for a full reaction to the revelation :)

Sorry for the long wait, but life is busy ^^



So, this was practically the story of how they ended up together. Of course, nobody knew about any of this. It was probably the only secret Lan Zhan had that he couldn't even tell his brother. Not because he was ashamed or anything. Wei Ying had even told him he'd be ok with him telling Lan Xichen if he'd really wanted to. But if Lan Zhan was completely honest with himself, he felt kind of thrilled to have a secret for once in his life.

Which made the whole situation at home just a little bit awkward. Lan Xichen still thought he had this crush on the model Wei Wuxian and wanted to do him a favor by getting him all this stuff with Wei Ying's face on it. Wuxian thought the whole thing was hilarious! He couldn't stop laughing for nearly ten minutes after he found the shampoo bottle of his newest ad in Lan Zhan's toiletry bag when he was staying over at the model's hotel room for a night.

It was quite embarrassing. Wei Ying teased him about that a lot after that, but Lan Zhan didn't really care – actually, he even started feeling proud. He was not ashamed that he liked Wei Ying so much, and if his brother wanted to make him happy in this way, so be it!

His friends were a completely different thing, obviously. Nie Huaisang was one of Wei Ying's most passionate fans. He was basically freaking out whenever the boy posted a picture on Instagram, watched every TV program he appeared in, tried to go to every fashion show, and was even trying to get the management to agree on Wei Wuxian becoming a model for Huaisang's first own collection.

He was a hardcore fan, and Lan Zhan did not want to share his boyfriend with that.

The others, Jiang Cheng, Jin Zixuan, and Meng Yao weren't as bad; the Jiang heir showed no interest in most of the high-society chit chat about celebrities and Jin Zixuan had to deal with them too often that it had become a daily routine – and not to forget that Wei Wuxian actually worked for his company. For Zixuan he was just another employee probably.

Even though Meng Yao was also working in the Jin company and wasn't such a huge fan like Huaisang, he got easily starstruck. The first time he'd met Lan Xichen he was so overwhelmed that he only stopped staring openly at him after Jin Zixuan had elbowed him in the ribs. Needless to say that he couldn't look at the young Lan heir after that for weeks.

Thus, telling his friends about Wei Ying being his boyfriend? Not an option.

They had been keeping it a secret ever since they got together six months ago. Actually, the dates of the Sunshot Celebration were around the time of their half-year anniversary. Lan Zhan wasn't a person who wanted to celebrate every little step in a relationship – well, at least that's what he thought before dating Wei Ying.

He had never been in a relationship before, but when Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli had started dating all these years ago, they did exactly that – celebrating everything – and Lan Wangji thought that it was completely unnecessary.

The first week, first month, half-a-year, and so on... In between were the birthdays, the celebration of the first kiss, holidays like Valentine's Day, White Day, and Christmas, New Year's... At one point, Lan Zhan had stopped counting and just ignored Jin Zixuan whenever he was bubbling about possible presents and trips, they'd plan...

It was a relief when they finally got engaged (Zixuan had proposed rather glamorously, the whole planning had taken him nearly two months. Well, the things you do for love...). Lan Zhan had gotten quite sick and tired of their lovey-dovey behavior. Though his reason for that had changed. In the beginning, it was a pure annoyance, but over time he wanted to experience the same things the Jin-Jiang couple did... That was when he started liking Wei Wuxian.

When his wish was finally granted, he discovered that Wei Wuxian was also the kind of person who wanted to celebrate every step in a relationship. And Lan Zhan was happy to deliver whenever he could.

They couldn't go on trips together, even dates were nearly impossible, without hiding at least half the face with facemasks and avoiding bigger crowds. Since both he and Wuxian were popular among the young people and even considered as celebrities they simply couldn't show their faces in public – never mind appearing together! Most of the time one of them was busy, as well – either Lan Wangji had to accompany his brother or he had an exam or test, which made it impossible to miss classes. Wei Wuxian was often on the road for photo shootings, filming, or something else work-related. They met each other in hotel rooms most of the time, a few times they went to a very discreet restaurant.

But for their six-month-anniversary, Lan Zhan wanted to take his boyfriend on a trip. He had been brainstorming for weeks already. Wei Wuxian had a nearly completely different definition of fun couple-trips than Wangji. He himself enjoyed the mountains, with hot springs, quiet time to relax, and maybe visiting a temple.

Wei Wuxian also enjoyed these things, but he wanted to do some more exciting activities, too. He was a great swimmer, he wanted to go to a beach, to bigger cities, maybe even abroad. Every time he went to a place outside of China, it was just for a photo shooting or something like that; he could never enjoy the country as a tourist.

So, maybe Korea was an option? Wei Ying seemed to enjoy their music quite a lot... Maybe he should look up concerts as well?

Though all these thoughts about a possible couple trip, their half-year anniversary, and even the plan to call Wei Ying later tonight went out of the window, as soon as Lan Wangji saw the man of his dreams walk through the door of the Sunshot Celebration.

How... was this possible?

Was this... about Jiang Ying? Wei Ying?

Lan Zhan slowly stood up from his chair, ignoring the questioning look his brother gave him, and stared at the young man in black and red.

"Wei Ying?"

The smile that he was gifted with he had seen so many times before, and it still weakened his knees to the bones. This beautiful, soft smile.

"Hello, Lan Zhan."

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