Oh my my my

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I'm a bit late, but at least my thesis is done and this new chapter can still be considered a late Valentine's Day gift for all of you lovely readers! :) Thank you all for the support! We are getting closer to the ending of this story, I think not more than two more chapters after this... Please stay tuned for the rest! :D



Wei Ying sniffled faintly when suddenly he remembered something. It probably wouldn't cause a major crisis, but it was still something they needed to discuss - and they had to do so before getting back to the others.

Wei Wuxian took a deep breath and cleared his throat. Now that his fear of losing Lan Zhan was resolved and he could be sure that he wouldn't be at the receiving end of his boyfriend's anger any time in the near future, he still felt like he had to get the rest of his guilty conscience off his chest. Especially when he remembered that he would meet his boyfriend's family soon and he wasn't quite sure if Lan Xichen was as forgiving as his brother. He had clearly seen how shocked his younger sibling had been when he realized Wei Ying was Jiang Wuxian. Lan Zhan would probably tell his brother the reason for his obvious confusion. If he hadn't surprised Wangji the way he did, all these uncomfortable questions that would await him later could have been avoided... Well, shit, this whole surprise plan was not really well thought through... (Not that he didn't already know that).

He didn't expect Lan Zhan to hide the truth behind their relationship from his brother any longer. He had done so for the last six months, now was the time to come clean. Nevertheless, he couldn't foresee how the older Lan heir would react, which caused some mild discomfort in Wei Ying's mind yet again.

"Lan Zhan, even though you said you are not angry with me... or won't be angry with me for long, are you sure... your brother will accept me as your boyfriend now?"

Wangji raised an eyebrow, apparently not seeing any problems Wei Ying might run into soon, "Why wouldn't he?"

"Well," Wei Ying began fiddling with Lan Zhan's collar, "I mean, will he accept me after he finds out that I am your boyfriend - have been your boyfriend for six months actually - but haven't told you about the fact that I'm part of the Jiang family...?"

"... Oh..."

"It's obvious, that... I didn't really think this whole," he made a gesture of quotation marks, "'surprise' thing through, but I could have simply told you a bit earlier, like yesterday or something, about my true identity... I mean, that still would have been a surprise at the Sunshot Celebration, but it would have given you time to prepare yourself to see me today."


"Now your brother saw how shocked you were when you recognized me. And I'm sure he expects you to tell him what was going on. He looked worried... He is your big brother after all."

Wuxian sighed and continued playing with Lan Zhan's collar.

"I can't force you to not tell him everything - and I won't do that either! I know how close you two are, and how important your brother is to you! It's just..."

"You're scared that his opinion about you will suffer immensely."

Looking up from his boyfriend's collar, Wei Ying couldn't help but pout when he saw the slightest sign of a laugh on Lan Zhan's face. Here he was, worrying about important family business and his boyfriend just laughed at him! Can you believe that!?

"Don't laugh at me! I'm serious! What if he doesn't like me after knowing that I basically lied to you ever since you told me who you really are? This is the first time ever I met your family in person and I already made a fool out of myself!"

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