Cheater! Shoto x Reader (Leave)

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Shoto's been out and away for so long every night. Whenever he comes back home I always assume he's out because of another villain or paperwork. I never ask him where he's been because I don't want him to be angry at me. The one time I did was when he came back at four in the morning, and that didn't go well.

I've been sitting and waiting in the living room of Shoto and mine's apartment. This is the third time this week he's been coming home late, it worries me. We've been dating for over four years and never once have I seen him like this.

Then the door opened with a small sound. "Where have you been?!"

He clearly looked surprise that I was still awake, but answered. "Why do you need to know?"

"Because you've been out so late for most of the week! It's so irregular, usually you only have to stay a late shift at the most twice a week. This has been happening for weeks now! If something is wrong, please just tell me. I'm your girlfriend after all..."

Shoto didn't look to pleased with that answer. "Don't you trust me."

"W-what do you mean, of course I trust you. I'm just so worried about you!"

He completely ignored that statement and kept going. "If you really trust me then you won't bother me about what I've been doing." Shoto then walked up to our shared bedroom and shut the door with a loud bang. Only leaving me to sit on the couch and cry. Thinking about what I did wrong.

Just then my phone buzzed. I picked up my phone and unlocked it to see that Mina sent me a video. "Hmm, what's this about?" Opening the video, I saw something I wish I didn't. Shoto making out with another girl...

I dropped my phone. As soon as that happened it buzzed again. Another text from Mina. "I'm so sorry..." I read it out loud. I began to cry. So this is where he's been all those weeks. All those late nights. All those times I thought he was working.

I clenched my fists. "I can't do this..." Walking up stairs I grabbed a suitcase and all my stuff. Everything except for the scrapbooks of pictures from Shoto and mine's dates.

Flipping through the pages I saw so many happy memories. Which probably meant nothing to him. How long...

Shaking my head I throw the scrapbook into the trash and take my suitcase. I texted Mina telling her I'll only be there for as long as it takes to book myself a trip to America. At least there I can start a new. Without him.
And with that last thought, I took my car and left for Mina's.

I finally got back home. What I'm doing is wrong, and I know that. I haven't been home this week because I've been trying to deal with what I've done. I haven't even been to that club this past week. But right now I need to come clean to (y/n) and hope that she won't leave me.

I park my car at our apartment building and go up to where we were staying. Opening the door the lights were off. The quiet of the apartment wasn't settling like it usually was.
Turning on a light I walk to where (y/n) and mine's shared bedroom is and looked inside.

She wasn't in bed, which is weird. "She's never out late." But something was still off. I went over to our closet to get a change of clothes only to see that her stuff wasn't there. "No no no no. Why isn't her stuff here. S-she has to be here."

Getting out of the room I shake my head. "This can't be happening..." I know that she'll be at Mina's, but that means that she some how found out.

Then I remember. "Mina saw me at that club  a month ago. She must've told (y/n)..." I sprint out of the apartment building and drive quickly to Mina's.

I knock on Mina's door. The door slowly opens. "Hey Mina." She saw my red and puffed eyes.

"Oh, you poor thing!" She then pulls me into a tight hug. "I'm so so sorry (y/n). I couldn't hide it from you any longer. Come in."

Walking into her house I sniff. "How long Mina? Do you know?" I asked with a few tears falling.

Mina closes the door as she answered. "I don't know. That video I sent you was from a month ago."

I looked up at her. "It's okay. I won't have to ever see him again."

"What are you saying (y/n)?"

"I'll be booking a flight to America."

"What? But what about your work here, and all your friends?"

"I know Mina. I'll still stay in contact with you, but I just don't want to see him ever again." Just then the doorbell rang.

"You stay right here (y/n). I'll get the door."

Mina walked to open up the door only to see a red and white haired male. "Mina is (y/n) here I need to talk to her?"

"No, no no no no no. You need to go. She doesn't want to see you." Mina began to close the door, but Shoto put his foot in to stop it.

"Please, I just want to talk to her."

"Why should I?"

"Whatever you told her was from over a month ago. I've been trying to get better. I just want to explain that to her."

"Well what if you're lying? Huh? What then?!" (y/n) then walked up behind Mina and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Mina, just let me talk to him."

"Fine. But I'm watching you Todoroki."

(y/n) walked outside and closed the door only to be met by Shoto hugging her. "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. It started as an accident." He stopped hugging the girl. "Then it turned into an addiction. After a bit I began to realize that this was absolutely wrong. And I've been trying to work through this. That's why I've been home so late this past week. I know what I've done is wrong, and I'll accept whatever you decide to do. But please, if you could ever find it in your heart to not leave and give me another chance?"

"No Shoto. I can't do that." All the hope in Shoto's eyes disappeared right at that moment. "You lied to me for who knows how long. And how would I know that this 'apology' isn't fake at all. I'm sorry Todoroki but I'm done. I've put up with this for so so long. I've cried and blamed myself for you not being home every night. I can't trust you. Not again."

He looked down. "I understand. All I can ask is that we can at least stay in touch."

"No, I can't do that. I'm going to America tomorrow. I'm leaving Japan and you behind. Goodbye Todoroki." (y/n) walks back inside of Mina's house to Shoto's dismay. And from that moment, Shoto never saw his love ever again.

"I will, but not right away as girlfriend and boyfriend. You need to know that I can't trust you right now."

"If we can start again, that's all I can ever hope for (y/n). That you'll give me another chance. Even if it will take time." Shoto then hugged the girl again. "I'll do everything I can to help you to trust me again."

Over time Shoto began to gain (y/n)'s trust again. She was able to look past everything, and Shoto was forever grateful for it.

1310 Words

Thank you for reading and I hope you all enjoyed this one shot. Also am I the only one excited for Hamilton coming out on Disney + this Friday? Anyways getting off topic, stay safe and have a great day!

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