"Ty will say hi once she's done knocking that man down a peg. Let's sit," Josie said.

They all settled down, Isaac taking the seat next to Haley, their elbows brushing each other as they set them on the armrest between them, but neither of them drawing away.

"Haley," Josie said, "what brought you to Boston? Don't get me wrong, Jace and I were so excited when you called us, but last time we talked you were still in Seattle rooming with Lettie."

Haley leaned back in her chair, feeling the warmth of familiar friends.

"I am still in Seattle, but I made a trip to DC to visit my cousin and I figured I was so close to Boston that I should stop by. I've kept up with Jace's season and well I was hoping to score a free ticket to see the Red Sox's new golden boy."

Josie beamed, unable to mask her pride in her husband. "The city does love him."

As if to echo this statement, fans cheered as Jace's name was announced as he jogged to the outfield. On Josie's lap, the toddler clapped as if knowing her father's name.

"Can I hold Gloria?" Isaac asked.

Josie nodded, handing over her daughter. Isaac bounced the toddler, smiling at his goddaughter. As they slowly drifted to the window and Isaac pointed out where Jace stood, Josie leaned close to Haley.

"Okay," she asked, voice low. "You have to tell me now, should I kill my husband for inviting Isaac when he knew you would be here? Because I know Ty will back me up."

Haley looked to where Isaac stood, talking to Gloria as she tried to stick her fingers into his mouth. The edge of Haley's lips lifted.

"No, it was a good thing," she said.

"Good, I'm not sure I would have had the heart to end Jace's life, especially when he's doing so well." Josie rested her chin in her hand. "I gotta ask, why did you ever break up? I'd have to be blind as a post to not see how you just looked at him."

Flushing slightly, Haley dragged her eyes away from the impossibly cute scene before her.

"I needed to be on my own," she said. "He was transferring to MIT and I realized that I needed to have a time where I wasn't dependent on someone. I needed to know I could make friends on my own. I relied too much on him at times and it wasn't healthy."

Josie quirked one eyebrow. "That sounds very wise."

"It should, Ty was the one who advised me on it."

Laughing, Josie shook her head. "Of course. Jace never mentioned anyone else that seemed permanent in your life, is that true?"

"I dated a couple of times, but no one stuck." She shrugged. "It seems none of them had a good prison joke to tell."

"An odd deal-breaker, but okay."

When Gloria started to rub her eyes and whimper, Isaac returned her to Josie's care. As Josie excused herself, Isaac took his spot beside Haley. She somehow forgot the easy way he smiled or how blue his eyes were.

"What trouble have you been up to?" he asked.

And like that, they fell into a rhythm all their own, their conversations saying everything while from the outside it sounded like nothing at all. The innings continued, but which side scored, neither Haley or Isaac could tell.

He told her about how he'd built a new telescope that now lived on his apartment building's rooftop. Haley confirmed that she still planned to be a school counselor. She mentioned that Lettie had this idea that they would both work in the same school, Lettie teaching math while Haley helped students figure out where they wanted to go.

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