I got tagged...

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*sigh* I thought I convinced myself that I wouldn't do this... but here I am

I was tagged by BunnyBryn, AlexPhoenix117, BradleyRoberts133, tropical_bleach, Golden_Phoenix75

So 10 things about me, huh?

1. I'm an Indonesian dude, but I've had my share in life living in Australia and Switzerland. So I can somewhat speak 3 languages

2. My favorite webtoons are unOrdinary, Girls of the wilds, True Beauty, and Solo Leveling (but that one isn't on the webtoon app though)

3. Gaming is my life, Playstation is my bae, and Persona 5 is my child

4. Favorite Anime and why I like them:

-(Kakegurui) A school that also have a hierarchy system installed. But instead of powers, it's based on how good you are at gambling

-(Attack On Titan) I think I don't have to explain this one XD... but it have mystery and thriller elements to it)

-(Death Note) An anime involving lots of mind games. You'll see the character fall from hero to villain, sort of like John... sort of. If u haven't watched this... what are you doingg??

5. Although I find animals cute, I can't find myself being near them, and am too scared to even touch or pat them. So yeah, you won't catch me having pets

6. My favorite movies are probably 'Forrest Gump' and '42'... Because i like true stories XD

7. Never in my life would I thought that I would spent my free times writing fanfics until last year...

8. I only drink mineral water since I was born until somewhere when I was 15 lmao

9. I can't whistle and snap my fingers... I'm a failure

10. Fun fact: I published the very first chapter of this fanfic on my birthday, which is September 8th

So I guess I have to provide spoilers...?

Later on... Kassandra is going to be introduced to this fanfic (But don't quote me on this just yet XD)

I won't be able to tag 28 people, so I'll just write 6:







So yeah!... Pls don't tag me anymore XD


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