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Luke's POV
It's been a few months since we've been home from the hospital. We were going to decorate the nursery but we decided to just put the cribs in their and all the stuff they needed instead of painting the walls blue and building that we don't really need like we did the girls room.

I went upstairs to check on the girls they were in their room playing with their toys while Hanna was downstairs in the living room  breast feeding the boys.

"Babe you need anything" I asked Hanna as I was walking down the steps. "Can you hold one of the boys" she asked me. "Yeah" I said. I sat on the couch next to her and grabbed Kyle from her while she held Liam.

Since we've been out of the hospital me and Hanna haven't had sex. One because we spend most of our time with the kids and we're so tired after we put the kids to bed. Two because Hanna doesn't like the way her body looks and doesn't want me to see it. I keep telling her I love her body no matter what.

She doesn't have a flat stomach like she did before the pregnancy  but I still think she's beautiful and still love her. I'm thinking about taking her on a date to show her I love her and her body and get her to love her body too.

I haven't been back to work either I go back in 2 months. So I'll have to get back to my routine of waking up at 6 am and going to the gym for an hour then coming back home and getting ready for work.

Thursday I called my dad and asked if he could watch the kids for the weekend. He said yes and asked what Me and Hanna had planned. I told him I was going to take Hanna on a date.

"Good morning" Hanna said sitting up in the bed. "Good morning. How'd you sleep" I asked. "Good. How about you" she asked. "Pretty good . I planned something for us" I said. "What'd  you plan" she asked. "I want to go on a date just us two I already asked my dad to watch the kids" I said. "I have everything planned out all you have to do is say yes" I said. "I don't know do you think we're ready to be without the twins it only been a month" she said. "It'll only be one night without them, they'll be fine with my dad and we can call and check on them anytime you want" I said. "Your right, ok yes let's go on a date" she said. "We'll leave probably about 4 and be back tomorrow around 3" I said. "Can I know anything about this date or is it a surprise" she asked. "I rented this little house near the beach so pack your bathing suit and it's about 2 hours away" I said. "What time is your dad coming over" she asked. "I'll probably tell him 3:30" I said. "It's 11 right now so I have sometime before I need to pack and get ready" she said.

Then we heard one of the boys crying which means the other is going to start crying soon. We both got up to check on the boys. We changed their diaper but they were still crying so we took them downstairs and gave them a bottle. "I guess I'll start on breakfast while I'm down here" I said while holding Kyle. "Ok I'll go check on the girls" she said while holding Liam before she walked upstairs.

Later that day
"Hi dad" I said as after I opened the door for him and let him in the house. "Hey son" he said. "Girls grandpa's here" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs. A few seconds later the girls came downstairs to see their grandfather. "Grandpa" both the girls said while hugging him. "How are my two grand daughters doing today" he asked. "Good" they both said. "Where are my other two grandchildren" he asked me. "Upstairs they just woke up from their nap hanna went to get them" I said. "Ok girls me and mommy are going somewhere and won't be back until tomorrow so grandpa going to stay with you guys until we get back ok" I said. "Ok daddy" they said. "You guys are going to be good for grandpa right" I said and they both nodded their heads. "Look boys grandpas here" Hanna said as she walked down the stairs with both boys in her hand. "Look at these handsome little fellas" my dad said. "You want to hold one" she asked. "Of course" he said. "Hi Liam" my dad said to the baby. "Dad that's Kyle. "Oh they look the same its hard to tell them apart. Hi Kyle" he said. "Liam as a birthmark on his hand and Kyle doesn't" I said. "Oh he doesn't" my dad said as he looked at kyle's hand. "Did you already talk to the girls" Hanna asked me. "Yeah" I said. "I'm gonna go put the bags in the car. Then we can head on the road" I said. "Ok" she said.

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