The perfect wedding dress

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Today me, Emily and lily are going dress shopping. I asked luke if he could stay home today and watch the girls because my mom was coming too. I took a shower and put on a striped dress and denim jacket. Luke was in the kitchen cleaning up. "Alright baby I'll be back soon" I said before I kissed him on cheek. "Ok babe have fun" luke said before he kissed my lips. We started making out then I pulled apart. "I need to go" I said smiling. "Just one more kiss" he whined. "One more" I said before our lips touched again. The kiss started turning into a make out so I pulled away. "your going to make me late" I said putting my hands on his chest. "Are you have to go" he asked. "Yes" I said. "Okay okay" he said moving away from me. "I love you" he said smiling. "I love you too" I said before I grabbed my purse and keys and left.

I drove to my moms house and texted her I was outside. "Hi mom" I said as she got in the car. "Hi honey you excited to go try on some dresses" she asked. "Yeah I have an idea of what I'm looking for" I said.

When we got to the store I started looking around. My mom Emily and lily were also going to try on the bridesmaids dresses that I picked out. They already know what it looks like because I sent them a picture of it last week. I let them try on their dresses first then I looked around for mine. I wanted a long sleeve dress with lace on it and after a lady helped me find a what I was looking for she showed me this beautiful dress. I tried it on then went out the changing room to show everybody. "This is the one" I said as I looked at myself in the mirror. "You look amazing" Emily said. "Thank you" I said. "Honey you look beautiful" my mom said. "Thank you mom" I said smiling. "Luke's going to love it" lily said. "I think he will too" i said.

I bought the dress and asked everyone if they wanted to go out to lunch

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I bought the dress and asked everyone if they wanted to go out to lunch. They said yes and we went to a restaurant. "Are you excited for you wedding" Emily asked. "I am I can't wait to be Mrs Jacobs" I said smiling. "I'm happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world" my mom said. "Thank you mom" I said as I hugged her. "Thank you guys for coming with me and supporting me" I said. "We'll always support you and be here for you" lily said. "I love you guys" I said.

When I got home luke was in the kitchen feeding leilani a bottle. "Hi honey" I said to kayla as I walked in the living room. "Hi mommy" she said while playing on her tablet. " hi baby" I said as I kissed luke on the cheek. "And Hi my other baby" I said as I kissed leilani's cheek. "How was dress shopping" luke asked. "Good I found the perfect dress" I said. "That's good I can't wait to see it" he said. "What'd you guys do while I was gone" I asked. "We watched that show kayla likes in the living room and ate cookies" he said. "Sounds like fun" I said. "It was" he said.

After we put the girls to bed me and Luke laid in bed together and cuddled. "I've been thinking about something that I wanted to ask you about" luke said. "What's up babe" I asked. "You know how kayla calls me luke" he asked. "Yeah" I said. "Do you think it'll be confusing for leilani when she calls me dad but kayla calls me by name and their sisters" he asked. "Well I don't think so leilani knows you her dad and Kayla knows your not her dad. I think of you as a father figure to Kayla and i think after we get married we should have a talk with her and maybe she'll think of you as a dad and maybe even call you dad" I said. "I think that's a great idea" he said before he kissed me. "Man I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said.

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