Baby shopping

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Hannas POV
We got back from Hawaii 2 months ago, it was really fun the girls enjoyed it. They want to go back and I told them we would one day after their brothers are born.

"Babe want some popcorn I'm making the girls some" luke said in the kitchen. "No but thank you" I said. Luke made popcorn and took it up stairs to the girls. "What you been doing" luke asked as he sat next to me on the couch. "Looking online for stuff for the twins" I said. "We haven't even worked on the nursery" he said. "When are you going to get to it" I asked. "I didn't know it was my job" he said. "Who else is going to do it I can't" I said. "I can pay someone to do it" he said. "Have you" I asked. "No but I might" he said. "Well better get to it then" I said. "What do we have so far for the twins" he asked. "Some clothes, diapers, and toys from the baby shower" I said. "My dad bought us a stroller" he said. "And my mom bought us car seats for them" I said. "Want to go to the store and look at some stuff" he asked me. "Yeah but let's go through everything we got from the baby shower so we know what we need and what we don't need" I said. "Ok I'll go get it" he said. When we got home from the baby shower luke put all the gifts in the closet in the guest room that will be the twins nursery at some point. Luke put the stuff on the couch next to me. We went through the gifts and I made a list of people to send thank you cards to and things to get from the store. "Once the girls finish their movie we can leave" he said. "Ok" I said about to get up and make me a snack. "Babe let's go on a date tonight" luke said as I sat at the island in the kitchen and ate my grapes. "Are you serious" I asked. "Yeah who knows the next time will be able to go out just the two of us once the twins are born" he said. "Ok so is this date casual or formal" I asked. "Not sure yet I'll let you know later" he said. "Ok I'll call my mom and see if she can watch the girls" I said.

We're in target looking at baby clothes even thought we didn't really need any because we already have some from gifts and just going to the store before. "Babe we already have some clothes and I don't see it on the list" luke said looking at the paper in his hand. "Just one outfit" I said looking at all the cute little clothes. "Should we get two of the same or different" he asked me. "I think different, most of the clothes we have so far are the same" I said. "Ok I'll pick one and you pick one" he said. "You guys want to help us pick out clothes for your brothers" I asked the girls. Kayla went with Luke and leilani went with me to pick out an outfit. "You like this" I asked leilani as I showed her an outfit for one of the boys. She nodded her head yes. "I like it too. Let's go show daddy and sissy" I said. "What'd you guys pick out" luke asked. "Nice" he said as I held it up to show him before I put it in the cart. "Oh that's cute" I said as i looked in the cart and saw what they picked out. "Ok now we are off to look at cribs" luke said.

After going to the store we went to a restaurant to eat lunch then went home. Luke carried the big things in the house and me and the girls carried bags that we had from the store. "In the guest room girls" I said as we walked through the front door. We got home about 5 and had a few hours before me and Luke's date. I called my mom in the car and asked if she could watch the girls tonight. She said yes and I told her we'd drop them off around 7. "Alright baby I'm thinking we go see a movie" luke said. "We haven't been to the movie theater in a while" I said. "Yeah well have to take the kids one day" he said. "Can you look online and see what movie and time you want" He asked me. "Yeah" I said.

I grabbed a denim jacket to put on with the maxi dress I was already wearing. Luke was already wearing black jeans and a grey shirt but put a hoodie on since it gets colder during the night outside. "Girls you ready" luke yelled from the bottom of the stairs. The girls already have some toys and clothes over my moms house but they keep the ones they use the most over here and take them over there whenever they go over my moms and bring them back when they leave. Like their tablets and favorite doll or stuff animal they take with them to her house. "You get everything you guys wanted to take" I asked the girls as they walked downstairs. They nodded their then we all went to get in the car.

"Thank you mom I'll call you tomorrow to come pick them up" I said. "Ok honey have fun and be safe" she said. "Bye girls be good for grandma love you" I said. "Bye mommy love you too" they said. "Bye mom love you" I said. "Love you to honey now go your husbands waiting for you" she said.

We just found our seats in the movie theater after we got our popcorn and drinks. There weren't a lot of people here but we weren't the only ones.

We were walking back to the car and Luke opened my door for me and shut it. "Thank you for tonight it was nice to just get out on a date" I said. "I think as we get older and having kids it's harder to make time for just the two of us and I'm glad we get to do it even if we don't a lot" luke said. "Yea and it's going to be even harder to make time for us once the twins are born" I said.  "Probably but we'll figure it out your mom and my dad wouldn't mind watching the kids" he said. "True" I said. "I can't believe we've together for  6 years" I said. "I know right it feels like just yesterday when I met you at that club" he said. "I love you so much" I said. "I love you so much" he said before he grabbed my hand and kissed it.

That was the last thing I remembered before I felt a car crash into us and everything went black.

I met the love of my life at a clubМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя