You get hit with a volleyball in the face by one of their teammates

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Hinata ~
- in this case it wouldn't be one of his teammates, he would be the on to hit you in the face

- after he hit you in the face he speeded over towards you, repeatedly apologizing nonstop

- he brought you to the nurses office and got you ice for your face that was beet red

- you thought he was being too dramatic and you told him it didn't hurt you that much

- he was still super sorry

- you told him that you both should go to your house to watch a movie

- so you both went and did just that

- he was already asleep by the time the movie ended, with his head laying across your lap

Kageyama ~
- You got hit by Hinata 

- you were practising with Kageyama and Hinata

- You were helping Hinata train by trying to block him

- although he sorta messed up and it went right into the middle of your face and you fell back onto the ground rubbing your nose that was quite red

Kageyama began chasing Hinata around the gym

-Hinata came and apoligized non stop but you kept telling him you were alright

- Kageyama was telling him to back off, then he helped you up by the hand

- he whispered in your ear asking if you were alright, you put your hands on his neck and gave him a quick passionate kiss on his lips

- his face turned bright red and you ran off giggling, he ran off to go find you again for payback


- he yelled after you with his face still completely red, well redder then yours and you were the one who got hit in the face

- you weren't as fast as him and he caught up just as you were about to exit school grounds

- he grabbed you by then hand and then spun you around to give you a long passionate kiss on the lips

- he then whispered once again into your ear saying how glad he was that you didn't get hurt that bad

- you knew he was gonna go yell at Hinata even more later but you told him to not to get mad at Hinata the next day, since it was an accident

- he went on a rampage the next day anyways despite you telling him not to and chased Hinata around the school

Tsukki ~
- Tanaka ended up hitting you with volleyball

- Tsukishima started laughing, hard once he saw the ball go straight into your face

- but like Tanaka's spikes HURT

- you repeatedly rubbed your head, as you felt a tiny bit dizzy

- Tanaka was laughing but still ran over to you and asked if you felt okay

- you said you were fine and just felt a tiny bit dizzy

- Yamaguchi suggested maybe going to the nurses office

- you told him you felt fine, although all of a sudden you heard your name being called repeatedly and your vision got super blurry

- your vision started to come back again and you were in a bed

- but not anyone's bed, your boyfriend Kei's bed

- you've been in his house many times you sorta know your way around

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