When you fall alseep on their shoulder

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Hinata ~
- You 2 were watching a movie late at night
- Hinata felt some weight on his right shoulder and looked to see you fallen asleep on his shoulder
- He blushes then grabs one of your fluffy blankets and covers you both
- He turns off the tv and then lays his head on yours and falls asleep as well

Kageyama ~
- You were watching him practice volleyball and he came to sit down next to you on the bench you were sitting on
- He started talking to you about his favourite milk brand and you got so bored you closed your eyes and dozed off
- Kageyama was wondering why you weren't responding he turned to see you napping on his shoulder
- he showed a small smile and picked you up and carried you home

Tsukki ~
- You were both at the mall shopping for matching dinosaur onesies
- You needed to take a break since you were tired of walking around so you went to sit down on a bench waiting for Tsukki to come out of the store
- he walks out of the store a few minutes later and plops himself right next to you
- "Are you ready to go?" He asks
But soon realizes that you've already fallen asleep directly on his shoulder
- he thinks about waking you but decides to let you rest a bit more

Yamaguchi ~
- You two went on a date to an amusement park that day and you were going to stay over at his for the night
- you were both sitting on the couch on your phones and you decided to close your eyes
- His face flushed after he realized you fell asleep on his shoulder and he passed out

Nishinoya ~
- You were at Noya's house and you were both watching an action movie together
- You finished the movie and then he pulled out his phone to text Tanaka
- You were barley able to stay awake through out the movie and lasted long enough to the very end of the credits
- then you closed your eyes and your head fell onto something??
- he puts his phone down
- looks at you sleeping and decides to sleep also

Tanaka ~
- They had just won a game
- You ran down from the stands where you were sitting to go congratulate him
- Although you didn't get that much sleep last night due to some assignments you needed to hand in
- You jumped into Tanaka's arms as he spins you around
- He held onto you for so long that you drifted off to sleep in his arms with your head against his shoulder
- he then just carried you around

Daichi ~
- You both went to the beach for a date
- you guys bought ice cream, went swimming, looked for shells
- you guys headed back to your towels to dry off together
- after drying off you both sat side by side with your head on his shoulder
- all that swimming tired you out a lot and made you super sleepy so you decided to close your eyes and take a rest
- he saw you fallen asleep and stayed where he was so he wouldn't wake you
- he smiled to himself while hearing your cute snores

Sugawara ~
- You both went to the fair and went on a Ferris wheel
- it was around 8 at night and the sun was setting
- all of a sudden the Ferris wheel stopped while you were at the very top
- you got super nervous and Sugawara helped you calm down
- he told you to lay your head down on his shoulder
- so that's exactly what you did
- around an hour after the Ferris wheel got fixed and it started moving again
- he knew you were asleep and he didn't want to awake you
- so he put you on his back and carried you back home

Asahi ~
- You both went to go get ice-cream together
- you bought the ice-cream and ran back to where Asahi was sitting waiting for you
- you finished your ice-cream first
- and laid on his shoulder while he was finishing his ice-cream
- he didn't know what to do
- so he texted Daichi to ask him for advice
- in the end he decided to let you sleep
- with his face bright red


Kuroo ~
- you were looking through a pet shop
- and went to where the cats were
- you couldn't see the cats at the very top
- Kuroo noticed that and insisted you got on his back so you could take a peak
- so you hopped on his back to look at the kawaii kitties
- you were blabbering on about how much you can see from up there
- you placed your chin on his shoulder, gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then you took a cat nap

Kenma ~
- you were both laying in bed
- you were watching him play a game on his phone
- time flew by so fast and it was already 3 in the morning
- you insisted on him going to sleep
- but all he kept saying was just "one more round" every time
- after trying so many times, you got so tired that your head dropped down on his shoulder and you dozed off into a deep sleep
- he finished his round and looked to his side to see you passed out on his shoulder
- he smiles to himself and grabs a giant blanket
- he sets his phone down and kisses your forehead also drifting off to sleep with you

Lev ~
- You went with him to the convenience store to grab some snacks
- you grabbed multiple bags of chips, payed and headed out
- you both sat down on a bench outside the store
- you lay your head on his shoulder and he lays his head on yours
- and you both fall asleep


Oikawa ~
- Both of you headed back to your house after both of your volleyball practises
- he helped make dinner with you and you both sat down at the table
- after finishing you both went up to your room
- and he turned on the tv while you both laid down on your bed together
- he wrapped his arm around you, resulting in you putting your head down on his shoulder to get confortable
- you fell asleep first
- Oikawa continued to watch tv while continuously looking back at you to see your sleeping face

Iwaizumi ~
- You were sick at home
- and Iwaizumi went to the store to buy some soup
- he got back to see you sleeping
- he slowly shook you awake
- you woke up and he started feeding you the soup he bought
- you asked him to lay down with you so he got under the covers with you and gave you a kiss on the forehead
- you rolled to the side where he was and put your head on his shoulder
- with you both falling into a deep sleep
- lets just say you had to take care of him the next day

Kyotani ~
- you were cooking meat for him in the kitchen
- he was sitting at the the table waiting
- you brought him the meat and you started eating together with him
- after that you both headed to your bedroom and you both sat in silence in each others arms
- his stomach grumbled a bit and he was about to go get more food but saw you were sleeping as he was about to get up
- he decided to let you sleep even though he was quite hungry
- he stayed awake for awhile more and then got up slowly to go get food


Bokuto ~
- you were watching him at practise and cheering him on
- it was pretty late at night by the time they were done practising
- he came to ask you how he did as he lifted you up into his arms
- he put you down and continued to hug you
- you were so tired you fell asleep in his arms right there and then
- he continued to talk to you but you weren't responding
- he kept calling your name
- Akashi told him you were just sleeping and he should take you back to your house
- he brought you back to your house and your older sister answered the door
- and thanked him

Akaashi ~
- it was lunch time
- you sat with Akashi and the volleyball team for lunch
- everyone finished their lunch
- Akashi knew you stayed up late last night
- he knew you were tired when you fell asleep and your head dropped down
- but he moved your head to his shoulder so you could be more comfortable
- the bell rang for class so he brought you to the school nurse
- letting you sleep longer he woke you up before the next class so you didn't miss the rest of your classes


Ushijima ~
- you were both sitting on a bench at the park
- he just came from volleyball practise and you asked him to meet you in that very spot
- you laid your head on his shoulder and smiled up at him
- he couldn't help himself and gave a little smile back
- you were quite sleepy and closed your eyelids
- after a few minutes you dozed off
- he took you back to your house and put you in your bed
- giving you a kiss on the forehead

Tendou ~
- you were both watching anime together
- it was 1 in the morning
- you had to get up early for school the next morning also
- you told him that both of you should go to sleep
- he told you one more episode but you already fell into a deep sleep and started snoring
- instead of watching the next episode he turned the tv off and fell asleep with you

Im binging Durarara it's so good and I'm vibing to the opening

Oh and sorry this update took awhile I've been sleeping so much 😅😅

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