When you are on your period

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Hinata ~
-You had to explain to him what it was
-After that explanation of all the pain that you are going through
-He cuddled with you the whole day

Kageyama ~
-Would get flustered
-"Do you want me to get some food"
-Gets scared of you at times because of your sudden outbursts

Tsukki ~
-"Oh okay"
-Will get some chocolate for you
-He is becomes super sweet, but will deny it all afterwards

Yamaguchi ~
-Gets nervous
-Will buy you pads
-Constantly asking you if your hurting
-Comes over early in the morning and leaves late at night or heck sometimes even stays the night

Nishinoya ~
-Will try to take your mind off the pain and will bring you the park
-Will make sure you get some exercise by playing volleyball

Tanaka ~
-You get angry
-"Why are you angry, are you must be on your period"
-He bribes you with food

Daichi ~
-Comes over right away with everything you need, food, pads, medicine, heating pad etc
-Just takes care of you for the rest of the day and the next days to come

Sugawara ~
-Knows exactly what to do 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
-He helps you keep track
-Snuggles, snuggles and more snuggles

Asahi ~
Freaks out
-"A-are you feeling alright"
-"D-do you need anything e-else?"
-"Would you like a m-massage"


Kuroo ~
-He doesn't know what to do, so he just brought you some medication to help reduce the pain
-Will bring you out to get fresh air, while carrying you in his back

Kenma ~
-Will come over to play games with you, to distract you
-Will pull you into his lap while playing video-games
-Will give you some back massages

Lev ~
-Will snuggle with you in bed, even though his legs almost hang off the end
-You will watch anime together, but you fall asleep in his arms half way through the season


Oikawa ~
-Will bring you milk bread
-Will make sure your sleeping and getting rest
-Will rub your stomach and give you kisses on your nose

Iwaizumi ~
-Bitch please he has an app on his phone to track it
-So he knows when to go knocking on your door with a bag full of movies, and chips

Kyotani ~
-Brings you meat
-Becomes a softie is if it's just you and him
-Will hold you tight in his warmth


Bokuto ~
-You guys will watch owl documentary's together
-Since exercise reduces the pain, you 2 have a dance party

Akaashi ~
-You call him and tell him to come over in a weak voice
-By the time he got there you were already asleep with the covers everywhere
-Moves then over you and tucks you in
-Will watch you sleep (NOT IN A CREEPY WAY 🤣)


Ushijima ~
-You would send him a dramatic text, that would make ones eyes roll
-Makes you some soup and feeds it to you
He gets under the covers with you and pulls you to his chest so you can both take a nap 😴

Tendou ~
-Will sing you a song
-Brings you candy

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