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I woke up not knowing where I was and what happened but I knew for sure that I wasn't with Nick. I was in servers pain every time I moved. This isn't right... I never wake up tied up and with nothing on even when me and nick have fun. Suddenly three bulky, fat men walked in and they each started slapping me. I am a pregnant woman and engaged, Nick will be thinking I have left him for good if I don't get out!
Although I had caused Maria to walk out she is normally back by now I know this as well as the guys do. Something isn't right, if we called the police they would say they can't do anything, so it is up to us three.
Maria should be back, I can sense something has happened to her, something bad. This is not good! Where could she have gone?
"Zak, Aaron, we need to look for Maria. NOW"
I hadn't seen Nick look this white and fucking pale for a long time, it isn't right. Knowing that his love, his heart and soul and children are out there somewhere is killing him. I'm his dude I know when he is down. We have to find her and fast!!
We were speeding down the highway and I notice this women, same height as Maria and she looked pregnant. I halted the car and got out with my rifle, I saw the woman's face and it was MARIA! I couldn't believe my eyes, I grabbed her and put her in the car and drove of, the men following behind. Zak took the tape of Maria's mouth and she screamed, I dived in the back and hugged her tightly she was bleeding a lot, Aaron took the wheel , she sobbed and sobbed, till the point that I cried with her.
We moved out of town, unfortunately Maria lost the twins and she has got in a state of depression, she hardly talks.
I don't know what to do...

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