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Marias POV
London, it feels good to know i am finally back in London, being a transfer was pleasant but not pleasant. However i definatly know there is one person who i will not forget and ovbiously that is the one and only Nick Groff. Oh, i can imagine how mad he will be right now, i never told him any of this, the fact that i was moving back and that iw ouldnt be his anymore. Though i know for sure he will move on, and possibly quickly with his dominant personality, i am very sure that he will get someone on him in seconds, oh and i am also going to miss the goofy Aaron Goodwin!! Who wouldnt miss his teddy bear hugs? And the fact that i knew very well when Nick was in a mood as Aaron or should i say Aarogon (my nickname for him) would warn me to give him space, even if i had needed him at those times.
  The only good thing about being back in London was my family and the friends i was going to be seeing again back at Oxford, i knew it would be back to normal soon and i was glad and i knew as hard as it was going to be, i knew i was going to forget Nick and in some ways i guess this is a good thing but also a bad thing as i probably wont have a relationship the way we did ever again, but im grateful for that as its been an experience and now i know what to expect if it accurs again.

"Dude, what is wrong with you?" I stare at Nick impassivly.
"what? Oh erm nothing zak, im fine. I need to leave early to meet Bex." Nick states calmly back.
   Something hadnt been right for a while now, and i was sure it wasnt just me who noticed it after i told the crew we were going on a lockdown next year to london for a month. This is when Nicks mood changed drastically... and to be totally honest i was debating wether or not to take Nick of the crew for this lockdown as i didnt want his moods to effect us as a crew but also for the lockdowns and the mental states we have to be ready for.

I had broke us with Bex and i dont even know why i had done that, i was happy, content and had allowed my self to move on from Maria... no i mean her. Had i truly moved on, or was i playing games with myself?

I had finally graduated from Oxford and was now in a full time job as a dance instructor and on evenings took photographs for local models, i enjoyed my daily routine. However the dance studio is haunted so i contacted this paranormal group called Ghost adventures and the only time they could come was next year, which is fine by me, i just feel as though they should pass the spirits to the other side and although i had insisted that they come and do that and even demanded after some smart comments to Mr. Bagans they agreed to come to pass them over.

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