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Arriving at Aaron's wasn't usual anymore, I was used to this but today felt odd. I wasn't sure why, so I pushed my thoughts away and walked in.
"Aaron, it's me."
"Hi" I hear his voice come from his island.
I walk to his island and he's got two bags packed, I'm confused where is he going?
"Aaron what is going on, where are you going? Why have you got bags packed?" I stare at him intently, I shouldn't have came alone, what if Aaron is apart of Zak and I haven't realised and he hasn't been caught?
"We're going away darling" he smiles back lovingly.
"We're ? Where do I suddenly put in to this Aaron!"
"You can't be with Nick" he says confidently.
"Pardon? Who,are you to tell me who I can and can't be with? Aaron, I don't know what you are up to but I don't like the way you are treating me at this moment in time and I suggest it stops. I'm going to go home. I will speak to you soon, sort yourself out please." With that I walk away.
"What Aaron? There is nothing left to say" I walk out side to be pinned against the wall, I notice Nick is staring concerned.
Aaron notices Nick step out of the car and he lunges at my lips, in shock I try to push him of me but he is to strong, I can barely breathe, Nick needs to stop him!
The next thing I know, I'm in nicks car and Nick has a bloody nose... Great he's has been hit.
"What the fuck was that about Maria"
" Nick please, understand I never did anything, he was being controlling and he became to powerful as I left" I look down ashamed.
"WELL WHY DIDNT YOU RING ME!" Nick shouts at me, slamming the breaks on.
Great... "Nick please..." Trying not to cry, recalling a memory between me and Zak when he captured me and he screamed he would kill me. I whimper loudly enough for Nick to realise he has scared me and he quits at shouting and looks down at his knees ashamed.
"Maria, I'm sorry please forgive me. You know I would never hurt you, your my baby girl. And I know it wasn't your fault with Aaron, why is our group falling apart. I mean for Christ sake, Zak is a fucking physcopath, Aaron is a fucking idiot and now I'm not sure if I can trust bully or jay with you.... God damn it " he rambles on and suddenly grabs my face and kisses me softly "You..Are..Mine.. Do you fucking understand?"
And that's when I crumbled apart knowing the Nick no one ever knew about but me had came back the dominant Nick, the Nick that I craved and now more than ever I was willing to be his submissive again.

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