4 - What Is This Feeling

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After a long conversation with Donnie, April and Mikey. I wanted to go to the bathroom. "Hey guys, can anybody tell me where's the bathroom? I really need to go." I asked them. "Its upstairs" April replied my question. I gave her a quick thanks before running out of the lab. I really have to go that I didn't noticed somebody was in my way. I bump into that person and it was Raph.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I quickly exclaimed at Raph, I was scared that Raph is gonna punch me in the face because I wasn't paying attention. I looked up to look at Raph and Raph was giving me a death glare. I could see that Raph is angry and giving me a death glare is enough for me to be scared of him. I yelped and quickly run to the bathroom.

I closed the bathroom door and was panting. I went to the toilet. After that, I went out and went to washed my face and my hands. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Why do I have to keep on bumping at Raph?" I asked myself in the mirror. After I calmed myself down, I was ready to came out of the bathroom and I did. I was gonna act casual like nothing happened but the scene keep coming back to me.

I could feel my heart racing really fast and walk faster to the lab. After I entered the lab, April wasn't there anymore. I looked around confused, only to see Donnie and Mikey in there. Mikey was on a wheelie chair and Donnie is typing something on his homemade laptop. I came up to both of them. "Where's April?" I asked them. "April is gonna make dinner for us tonight." Donnie explained.

"Oh, ok, I'll go see how's April doing." I told both of them and went out the lab to the kitchen. April was cooking and Casey was helping her setting up the ingredients. Raph was sitting around the island and was feeding his turtle, Chompy. I leaned against the door frame while watching them.

"So.. you and Don are dating right?" Casey asked April.

"Yeah, got a problem with that, Jones?" April teased Casey.

"Yes, red. You should've dated me instead of Don. I'm more handsome than him, you just didn't noticed yet, red." Casey told April. April smack her hand against Casey's head.


"Donnie's way better than you, Casey. You're just a vigilante with a lot of missing tooths." April told Casey.

"Hey!" Casey exclaimed at April.

Raph chuckled at what April just told Casey. I feel my cheeks heating up from Raph's laugh. I hide behind a wall, I could feel my heart beating really fast just from that laugh. "Why do I feel like this?!" I thought to myself. I quickly went to the couch to just sit and think what just happened. I cup my face while both of my elbows are lean against my knees.

"Why did I blush just from that laugh?" I thought and an image of Raph laughing and smiling afterwards pop up onto my mind. I blushed again and buried my face. "No... I can't have feelings for him.... we don't even know each other very well and he's scary" I thought, I was trying to make this strange, tingling feeling away but everytime the feeling went away, the same image pop up again, making me blush.

"I should go back home, now." I thought and was about to stand up and leave. "Roselyn?" A voice called out to me. I turned to looked at Donnie, "Aren't you gonna stay for dinner?" Donnie asked me. "Umm.. I- Er- N-no thanks! I can j-just make my own dinner at my apartment!" I stuttered over my words. I can't let them know...

"Are you sure?" Donnie asked me, he was unsure about it. "Yep! I'm very sure!" I quickly replied and was sweating. "Is there something wrong?" Donnie was getting worried about me. "Oh! N-no! There's nothing wrong! I just got- uh.. important things to do! Yep!" I told Donnie and quickly run out of the lair. I was running as fast as lightning and I made it to a manhole and went up.

I open the manhole a bit and peek to see if anybody was around. When the coast was clear, I removed the manhole and climbed up, after that I closed the manhole. I went off running to find my apartment and stayed there. I went up to the fire escape and opened my window, I climbed in and closed the window. I quickly sat on my bed and let me lay on it and looked up at the ceiling.

My stomach growl so I decided to ordered some pizzas. I ordered two peperoni pizzas from Antonio's. Somebody knocked on my apartment door and I opened it to see a pizza delivery guy with two pizza boxes on his other hand. I handed him the money and he left. I closed my apartment door and went to sit on the couch in the living room. I opened one pizza box, to revealed a fresh hot peperoni pizza.

I grab a slice and start munching on it. "What just happened back there?" I asked myself. "Did I like Raph before?" I talked to myself again.

"I mean... I never had that feeling around him, but why did it happened now..?" I said to myself. I finished my first slice and went for the second one. "His laugh was... cute.." I mumbled. My face heat up a bit and it disappeared after a few seconds. I groan and face-palm myself. "Even if I like him, Raph won't like me back." I said to myself.

"Raph probably had a girlfriend but he just never told us about it." I said. I was trying to make the feeling of me liking him go away. A lot of Raph images flashes through my mind and I just realized, he looked... i don't know.. good looking, like maybe hot? Its so weird saying Raph is hot because I never said that before! Ugh... what is happening to me?

*.❈.♡⇢ Chapter 5 ENDED ⇠♡.❈.*

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