2 - Movie Night With Them

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I lean on the door and put my ear against it. There seem to be multiple voices came from inside April's apartment. I could make out their conversation.

"You guys can stay here as long as you like" April told whoever she's talking to.

"Thanks April! Your the best!" A very cheery voice told April.

"Mikey, April needed air." Another voice said.

"Sorry..." The cheery voice came back.

"Its okay, Mikey. So.. what do you guys wanna watch on TV?" April asked them.

"Why don't you decide, April? This is your apartment after all.." A leader like voice spoke.

"But you guys are my guests, you guys should be the one that's choosing the movie for the movie night." April told them.

Wait, they're having a movie night at April's apartment?! She didn't INVITED ME?! Now I'm starting to think that April doesn't like me as a friend.

"You guys could choose the movies that's stack on the ground, I'll go and make some popcorn." April added and probably headed to the kitchen.

I lean away from the apartment door and put my hands over my mouth to stopped myself from talking. I quickly tip-toed away and luckily, the mysterious guys in April's apartment didn't hear me. I was outside of April's apartment and I wanted to break in. There's a fire escape near April's bedroom window and I could use that to go in her apartment.

I went up to the fire escape and made it to April's bedroom window. I look left and right and knocked gently on her window. Nobody opened the window. "Where's April?!" I thought. I started getting impatient and knock again. This time, somebody opened the window. It was April.

April's eyes widen at the sight of me. "Roselyn?! What are you doing here?!" April whisper-yelled me. "I wanted to show you something. Can I come in?" I whisper back to April. April look left and right and opened the window wider to let me in. I smiled and enter her room.

"So, what is it?" April asked me and crossed her arms. I slowly opened my bag and took out the canister of green goo to her. April was shocked from the canister on my hands, "Do you... possibly know what this thing is?" I asked April. "Mutagen.." April mumbled but I could hear her.

"Mutagen..?" I repeated her. "So you know what this thing is..?" I asked April. April snapped out of her thoughts and looked at me with wide eyes, "W-what?! Oh- Uh- No! I don't know what this is!" April started stuttering over her words. I raised one eyebrow and gave her a look that says, "Are you sure?".

"April.." I said. April sighed, "Fine, this is called mutagen." April told me. "Okay... how do you know about this?" I asked her. Before April could answer me, somebody opened the door, "Hey April, I was wondering if you wanna-" the thing stopped talking. Is.. that a... GIANT. TALKING. TURTLE.

I dropped the mutagen but April caught it before it could landed on the floor and crashed. I just stood there like a statue, I can't believed what I just saw, a purple bandana turtle was looking at me with wide eyes. We both stared at each other. I was gonna scream but April quickly covered my mouth with her hand.

"Don't." She said to me. I nodded slightly and she removed her hand from my mouth. She started walking towards the creature and started introducing it, "This is Donatello or Donnie for short. He's a turtle mutant but he's a good guy. He won't hurt you, I promise." April told me. "Donnie, this is Roselyn, my best friend." April helped me introduced myself to him.

"Oh! Um.. Hello, nice to meet you, Roselyn." Donnie said and waved awkwardly to me. I waved back at him, I'm lost in words. Then, I finally able to spoke, "Wait, is that why there's muffled noises inside your living room?" I asked April. Before April could asked or talk, I added, "I was leaning onto your apartment door just now and I could hear voices." I told her.

"Oh.. Er.. Yeah! Yep!" April said. "C-could I meet them..?" I asked April with a pleading look. April sighed and looked at Donnie, Donnie nodded at her and they both looked back at me. "Sure, Roselyn but don't tell anybody about them, promise?" April told me. I nodded and smiled at her. "Can I borrow your bag to put the mutagen in it?" April asked me.

I gave her my bag and she put the mutagen back into my bag. "Wait, how did you get the mutagen?" Donnie asked me and pointed at the bag. "Oh, the mutagen dropped at my fire escape." I told him. Donnie nodded and April gave Donnie the bag. "Your gonna have to give the mutagen to Donnie since the mutagen is dangerous to people" April said.

"I know, It mutated my pencil and it tried to kill me but I eliminated it." I told April, April looked at me weirdly and so did Donnie. I just shrugged. Then, they both brought me to the living room and I saw 3 more giant turtles but their bandanas are different, red, blue and orange. I saw another human sitting in the couch with them, one and only Casey Jones.

"Hey guys!" April greeted them. They all looked at April and then looked at me with shocked look. "April, you know that there's another person beside you right?" The blue-clad turtle asked April. "Oh yeah, this is my best friend, Roselyn." April introduced me. I waved at them shyly and smiled awkwardly. I'm very shy around people I don't know.

"Don't worry, she won't tell anybody she saw you guys." April told them and they looked relief except for the red-clad turtle, he doesn't seem to trust me. The blue-clad and the orange-clad turtle came up to me. "I'm Leonardo but I prefered to go by Leo and this is-" Leo was cut off by the orange-clad turtle. "I'm Michelangelo but call me Mikey!" Mikey exclaimed.

"What about him?" I pointed to the red-clad turtle who was ignoring me as if I'm a ghost. "He's Raphael but he goes by Raph for short" Leo told me. I looked at Raph and he was chatting with Casey, I can tell that they're best friends since they seem to get along pretty well. "Do you wanna join us on this movie night, Roselyn?" April asked me.

"Sure, I got nothing to do anyway." I told her. "OH YEAH! We got another person to join us guys!" Mikey exclaimed and was grinning. Casey and Raph turned around and saw me. "Wait, Roselyn? How do you know these guys?" Casey asked me. I face-palm myself on the face and looked at Casey with a '-.-' look. "I just met them." I told him.

"Oh" Was all Casey told me then he went back to chat with Raph. April came up to the guys, "Did you guys picked out a movie yet?" April asked them. "Yep" Leo told April. "Great! Hey Roselyn, do you wanna help me set out the food?" April asked me. I smiled, I've been waiting for this... "YEAH!" I exclaimed.

We both walked to the kitchen and brought out different food for the movie night. We got freshly hot pizzas, popcorns, pepsi drinks, potato chips and more. Everybody sat on the couch and I sit beside Raph but I felt scared around him. April told me that Raph is a short-tempered guy and that I should try and not to tick him off.

I was sweating the whole time and April came by to sit next to me. "Hey April, Raph looked.. scary" I whispered to April. April chuckled. "He does looked scary but he isn't once you get to know him." April whispered back to me. "Oh.." I whispered to her and bring my attention back to the movie that they picked out.

I was scared the entire time but I did enjoyed the movie night. After the movie ended, everybody started getting exhausted and started to clean up. I pick up all the plates and went to washed them in the kitchen, after that, I take out all the snacks that's littered everywhere and throw them out in the trashed. After a few minutes, we all gathered at the living room and say farewell to the turtles and Casey.

I saw my goodbye to April and started headed back to my apartment. I showered and changed into my pajamas. I went to bed and think about all the things happened in one day. "This day... had been a very weird day" I thought to myself before drifting off to sleep.

。o°✥✤✣ Chapter 2 ENDED ✣✤✥°o。


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