Sick days & lawsuits

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"Farkle? Hey.." I knock on his office door which was across from Lucas'. He looked up from his computer screen surprised "Maya? Can't say I was expecting to see you back in this building" he chuckled softly

"I Uh..I've come to get stuff for Lucas..I'm just not sure what papers and all that he wants.." I trail off. He clicked something on his computer before standing up "I'll come help you" he offered, leading me back out of his office and over to Lucas'

" are you feeling?" I ask as my eyes trail over Lucas' familiar office "I'm okay, we've got a whole lot more armed security on each level and their installing more security the end of the week there will be the big metal scanners that they have in airports by the door as well as the bag scans" he explained

"Wow..that's a lot" I breathe. He nodded, picking up different files and his laptop "how's Lucas? I haven't seen him today" he questioned "he's okay..just bored..Donatella gave me a few days off so I'll be around more" I smile softly

"That's good. He will like that" Farkle smiled, handing me the stack of work he had collected "you think so?'s not too..too much?" I ask. He shook his head, "I don't think there can be a too much with you and's strange, Lucas is the most formal, unrevealing person I've ever met..he doesn't talk or show his feelings ever, but with you he's so open. I've never seen him this happy" he admitted

I bit down on my lip "that..that means a lot..thank you, Farkle" I smile softly. He nodded, "do you need anything else..? I'm due for a meeting in 5" he raised his eyebrows, glancing over his watch "No, no..thanks for your help" I reply

He nodded, placing a hand on my back as he came with me to the elevator "have a good rest of your day, I'm sure I'll see you later" he smiled kindly before disappearing over to his office. I stepped inside the elevator, making my way over to my car and to the hospital

I had almost completely forgot about what I had said only hours before, it wasn't until I opened the hospital room door that the memories all hit me. Lucas turned his head from looking out the window over to me, a small smile on his face as he saw my presence

"I..I have your things.." I state quietly, adjusting the heavy laptop and files that I held in my arms "can you just put them on here.." he gestured to the table beside his bed. I nodded awkwardly, placing them down where he asked

He held his hand out after I let them go. I glanced to it for a few seconds before placing my perfectly manicured hand on top of his. He pulled me gently so that I was closer to the bed, moving over to one side "sit with me?" He asked quietly

I let my bag down to the floor, sitting beside him on the bed. He wrapped his arm over me, his hand drawing circles on my back as I laid my head on his muscular chest "thank you for getting my things" he spoke up after a few minutes, kissing my forehead

"It's okay..Farkle helped" I laughed softly "how was work? I wasn't expecting you back so soon" He questioned "it was good..I explained what happened and she sent me home for the week..she wishes you a safe recovery" I stated

"Home for the whole week?" He questioned "I know it sounds like a lot..but honestly I wasn't going to argue 4 days off.." I smiled to myself "are you gonna come here?" He asked

"I can if you want me to..or I can stay home..whatever is best for you" I reply "I'd like it if you came..I like having you here" his grip on me tightened for a few seconds. I snuggled myself further into his chest, laying my head softly on him

"Well I like being here" I reply quietly "Farkle told me about what they're doing with the security..sounds like a huge effort but at least you'll be need to tell me what happened with that other guy" I add

He chuckled softly, "don't worry, I'm not going to get scanned every time Farkle or I go in and out of the building. It's just everyone else" he smirked "oh and the guy..he's in hospital right now too but once we both get out I'm taking him to court, gonna sue him. I figured if he hates rich people then he'll hate to owe me money..and then he's going to jail" he stated proudly

"Aren't you scared? That more of them will come after you?" I furrow my eyebrows. He shook his head, "hopefully they won't. With the security and the amount they are gonna have to pay..trying to shoot me again will just end in another lawsuit" he chuckled

I smiled, "hey maybe you can go buy another car with that money" I joke playfully. "That's..a good idea actually" he chuckled

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