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It was Saturday morning, and Maya was on her way over to Lucas' apartment. This time she wanted to surprise him. They hadn't necessarily made plans, just asked what the other is doing today, but she was wanted to be the one to make the effort this time.

She decided to dress comfortably today, wearing wide leg light blue jeans and a tight figure hugging black top, and just some heeled boots. She had straightened her hair, and was on her way to his.

She parked her car in the lot, and entered the elevator, pressing the top floor and waiting patiently for the numbers to tick upwards ever so slowly.

Once they opened, they revealed a pristine apartment, it was quiet, it was calm. She stepped into it, her gaze dotting around with no boy in sight. She stepped up the stairs, continuing her way through, just passing a door when she heard a slight splash.

She smirked, opening the door handle to reveal one handsome, muscular man in the pool. He was by the tall glass windows, his back to her with his arms crossed out, leaning on the edge watching the city.

"Well.." Maya smirked once again, closing the pool door and entering the room. Lucas lifted his head, turning to see the blonde beauty behind him "I didn't think you were coming over.." he smiled

She entered in further, sitting on one of the lounge chairs around the pool "thought I'd surprise you" she shrugged, watching as he swam over to be near her "what a nice surprise" he looked happy, he looked content.

"You're lucky I'm not swimming naked" he chuckled, earning a laugh from the blond "..I think I'm unlucky you're not swimming naked." She joked with a simple shrug. "Would much prefer to watch that" she smirked.

He chuckled, getting out of the pool, and drying himself off with one of the plush white towels "well you always could the shower.." he pulled the blonde up to her feet, kissing her sweetly once she was stood

She let her lips linger, "I'm all dressed and ready.." she kissed him again. "Your loss" he left her side, making his way to his bedroom to Shower. She sighed, biting down on her lip. It took some willpower not to follow him.

She went down to the living room, sitting on her phone for around 15 minutes before he emerged from the top floor, showered and dressed for the day. He smelt fresh from his cologne, his hair still slightly damp and sweet from the shampoo. She always loved the fresh out the shower look.

He kissed her head, sitting beside her "so what do you want to do?" He questioned, his arm around her shoulder. She shrugged, "I'm not sure..was thinking we could just go out..have a look around..get something to eat..enjoy the weather.." she looked out the window, the clear sunny sky outside.

He nodded "sounds good" he smiled.

They soon left his, and we're walking down the street together. He reached for her hand, holding hers as they walked side by side. She felt her heart warm at the gesture, leaning into his warmth.

They chatted about random things on their walk through the park, a million different topics about nothing important. Lucas lived in the best part of New York. The expensive part. And so he was so local to all of her favourite shops and restaurants.

They had gone into Dior and Prada, and we're currently looking around Gucci. But she hadn't seen anything she liked. He wasn't really looking, most of his clothes that were 'fancy' were picked for him.

"These are cute.." she tilted her head to the side, picking up a pair of heels. They were like mules, sophisticated and grown up "do you want them?" He asked the blonde, his hand on her back. he had half zoned out 2 shops ago. She shook her head, "Nah..I don't think I love them" she sighed, placing them back down.

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