Loved you

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Maya stayed in her room for the whole of Saturday. She didn't want to deal with the others. She was hungry, and she was sad. But she couldn't face them right now. She just wanted to be alone.

It wasn't until she heard the door close, she thought she'd be able to go into the living area. Sure Riley and Farkle knocked on the door at a few different times, but she didn't answer. Or reply.

She soon got a text from Riley saying they've gone out to get dinner and does she want anything, Maya replied with 'no' and that was it. She was half expecting to hear from Lucas all day. But she didn't.

She wanted him to say he was kidding, or text her saying he wasn't going to go. But she knew he couldn't. In fact, she understood the whole thing. It's a great opportunity for his company.

Of course he should take it.

She wants to support him, but she's just hurting. She wants him to do it, but from New York. And that's understandable. Even Lucas wants to do it from New York.

He didn't plan on breaking up with her as such, he knew it was 50/50 that they were going too. If they wanted to make it work then he would've tried 100%. But after seeing how sad she was, and how adamant she was that it wouldn't work. He knew the outcome.

He hoped they could've made it work, but maybe they would just be using that as an excuse. That they break up in a months time over a thousand miles apart so that it hurts less. She was right, there was time differences, work schedules, life in general that would've gotten in the way.

The thought of him moving on was too much for her to handle. She had to mentally block the thought of his name as hard as she could every time she thought about it. The only thing getting her through the say was zoning out at her tv show or zoning out on tik tok.

The night quickly came around luckily enough, she still avoided the two. While they were out she raided their cupboard of junk food, hiding back in her room for when they returned. She cried herself to sleep pretty early on, she sat near her phone, waiting for text from him. It never came.

The day after, Maya showered and then got back into bed. She was going to give herself today to cry and get over it, and then tomorrow to get over it silently while trying to get through a 9-5 at work.

She left her door unlocked this time, for if they needed her. Riley soon knocked on the door, opening it moments later "hey, we're going the airport..are you sure you don't want to come" she leant against the frame of the door.

Maya thought about it for a split second "No. I don't want to" she replied simply. Riley nodded, "text me if you need" she smiled. Maya thanked her, her eyes returning to the tv as she lay on her side, tissues dotted around her bed. The bin beside her.

Another knock soon caught her attention, Farkle. He came into the room unlike Riley, sitting beside his friend tucked in bed. She sniffed and her eyes were stinging with tears, he reminded her so much of him.

He tucked a hair strand that fell on her face behind her ear, smiling kindly down to her. Like a brother. He picked up the tissues surrounding her, throwing them in the bin "I know you it's not what you want to hear.." he started, picking up another tissue.

"But he loved you Maya. And if it weren't for this trip, he wouldn't be anywhere else but with you" he continued. The thought of him loving her made her heart ache, more tears rolled down her face. "Thanks Farkle" she smiled simply.

He nodded, rising from the bed "tell him I said good luck..." she caught his attention. He nodded her again "and then tell him I said fuck you.." she chuckled sadly. He laughed, he knew she was kidding too. "I will" he replied.

Riley and Farkle soon left the apartment, heading over to Lucas' so they could go to the airport. Farkle drove, and Riley sat beside him and the Texan sat in the back.

"Hey" he said quietly as he got in the car. He was dressed smartly. But you could tell he was sad. "Hey" the two replied in unison. It was awkward

"How are you doing?" Farkle asked, glancing in his rear view mirror. "I'm fine. It is what it is...I guess" he huffed. "How is she Riley? Is she upset?" He looked the the brunette across from him.

Riley turned to look back at him, she nodded. "She's upset. I haven't seen her like this in years...she will be ok though, she's strong" Riley smiled "she didn't want to come though" she added.

"I didn't think she would" he half smiled. "She has no reason to.." he trailed off. Riley and Farkle looked to each other sympathetically. The rest of the car ride was small talk until they arrived at the airport.

Farkle insisted on taking him, Lucas just wanted to get his driver to take him. But this will be the longest they've spent apart, and Farkles all about missing his 'bro'.

Riley hugged Lucas, just like Farkle reminded her of him, Riley reminds him of her. "It'll be ok" she assured him, rubbing the top of his shoulder soothingly. He nodded against her, letting go and saying bye to Farkle.

"I told her you loved her" he said as they hugged. Lucas pulled away slightly, "you what?" He questioned. Farkle smiled, "you know you do. I just said it for you" he let his friend know. Lucas smiled in return, maybe he did.

"She says good luck" He said, his arm now resting on Riley's shoulders. Lucas raised his eyebrows confused "Maya? Maya said to say good luck?" He asked. Farkle agreed, "yep. And then she said to say fuck you" he smirked.

Lucas chuckled lightly, of course she did. He said his final goodbyes, and headed into the airport for his plane to London.

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