Who's in control

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We head inside the after party, showing them ID to be able to get in. We greet a few people we lightly recognised, a few kiss on the cheeks and congratulations on the shows

"So you enjoyed the collection?" I made conversation with someone important, I couldn't tell you what they did as a living, something with accounting and financing..but I also couldn't tell you why Lucas was here? Why is the owner of a multimillion dollar lawyer company at fashion week?

"Here you go, Ma'am" a waiter passed Isadora and I champagne flutes filled with the sparkly liquid. I smiled to him, turning back to the people in front of me "the collection was superb, Miss Hunter and Miss Smackle..id be interested to see what work you come out with in the future..who you're next to design for" he replied

"I'm hoping for Prada or Versace but a girl can only dream" I chuckle lightly, taking a small sip of the fizzy liquid, letting it trickle down my throat "and you?" He questioned Isadora "Working with Maya is a lot of fun, we can put two stylist minds together to create a better outcome..However I'm thinking of going for more of a Gucci way next..I'm fascinated by the animals they like to include in their pieces" she explained from beside me

I happened to look to my right, catching eyes with one handsome Greek god of a man who stood bored in a group of people. I smirked slightly "would you excuse me for one sec? I have to catch Mr Friar before he disappears.." I smile to the group we were talking to, gracefully gravitating toward him

He turned away from his group as I approached him "so maybe you are one for research, Mr Friar?" I question. "Maybe so..it's good to see you again, Miss Hunter. It's been awhile" he leant down, kissing my cheek to greet me

I had to focus on my knees for a few mere seconds, making sure that they didn't fail and send me straight to the ground "it has..have you been up to anything..exciting..?" I squint my eyes

"I'm here, aren't I? Fashion week seems pretty exciting" he replied. I nodded, my hand landing softly on his muscular chest "I like this suit by the way, could you tell me who designed it?" I smirked

"I'm honoured to be wearing clothes designed by you, Miss Hunter" he replied, his lips tugging into an upwards curl "and your meetings? I'm sure none of them are as exciting as being asked what you liked to do for fun in college and if you were gay or not" I smirk

He shook his head, a light chuckle escaping his lips "I can't say they were, No. your interview definitely stood out to me, Miss Hunter" he replied "All good things, right? You promised.." I let my tongue hit the roof of my mouth as I finished my sentence

He nodded, "you still need to let me buy you that..what was it? Sixth? Bottle of wine?" He questioned "How long are you here for?" I ask curiously "We leave the day after next, and you?" he replied

"The same as you..what a coincidence.." I smirk. He was about to reply when Isadora approached us, "im sorry, I wanted to let you two talk but he got really pervy..asking how old I am and what I'm doing later, if I wanted to come over.." she shuddered

"What! I'll go and fucking talk to him he can't hit on a young woman he's like 50!" I furrow my eyebrows "language, Maya" she muttered under her breath "My apologies, Mr Friar, my friend here was just feeling uncomfortable" I look up to him

He shook his head, "No worries, Miss Hunter..Lucas Friar, nice to meet you" his gaze moved to isadoras, shaking her hand gently "Isadora Smackle" she replied lustfully

"My friend here actually saw you from where you were sitting in the show..he admires the way you present yourself" Lucas smiled softly, placing his hand on a mans back

He turned around, a wide smile on his face as he saw who was in front of him "Zay, this is Miss Hunters friend, Isadora Smackle" Lucas introduced the two. Isadora smiled to him, busying herself in a conversation with him

"Ohh so you tell everyone that you admire the way they present themselves" I look back to Lucas. He shook his head, "Not normally, No. if you would like me to be honest, Miss Hunter, I don't usually pay to much attention to it" he confessed

I squinted my eyes, "so it was a lie?" I question. "Not to you. What I said to you was true..you intrigue me, I want to know more about you" he replied formally

"Then cancel every plan you have for tomorrow" I demand. He chuckled softly, "to do what, Miss Hunter?" He questioned. "To have our talk we made a deal about..to show me who's in..control" I smirked

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