Rishi downed his shot in one go and ordered another.

"Do you want something?" he asked politely when he noticed that I hadn't ordered anything.

"Nope." I replied politely, shaking my head, "I'm good."

"Come on Akira," Rishi prodded, "They aren't going to ask for your ID and you clearly need something to help you loosen up."

"Umm...ok," I answered gingerly, "I'll have something light."


I spotted Mr. Deb a little distance away, talking animatedly to another woman. Nalini Dixit. She was one of the initial staff members to have joined TYCHE.

Shit! I really needed to stop obsessing over TYCHE!

Calm down dumdum! I told myself.

"Here you go." Rishi said, handing me a bottle of beer after popping off the lid.

"Thank you." I replied, bringing the bottle to my lips and taking a small sip.

I braced myself for the bitter taste to wash over my tastebuds. I turned to Rishi who was cradling his shot glass in one hand and asked, "So what do we do for the rest of the evening? Just shove alcohol down our esophagus?!"

"Well, I asked around and I know that there's a karaoke starting soon. And then the founders will make speeches before dinner. Otherwise just hang out with your peeps." He replied.

"You do remember that we don't know any of these people right?" I raised my brow.

Rishi shrugged in response. "Don't care. I just came for the booze and food. I'll leave when I'm full."

"How classy." I rolled my eyes at his words.

"Don't give me that look, Akira!" he feigned hurt, "I'm a college student. I'm pretty much broke at all times. So you can't blame me for taking full advantage."

"Yeah, ok. I'm going to go look for Mihir." I said.

I scanned the sea of heads for Mihir. I was dying to ask him if Mr. Deb had told him anything about me getting the job. Once I was sure, at least I'd be able to loosen up and enjoy the night.

Right now I was dangling on the edge of a cliff, I hated being left in the dark.

I spotted him stuffing his mouth with chicken tikka a little distance away from the stage.

Dear lord! Why the hell was everyone acting starved?!

"Hey!" I smiled as I reached him.

"Hello Akira!" he stopped chewing, wiping his mouth with a tissue, "You look very pretty."

"Uh...thanks." I answered awkwardly, my face heating up.

"Great evening, right?" he smiled, ignoring my awkwardness.

Was he seriously trying to flirt with me?! By talking about the weather?

"Yes, we're lucky not to have rain ruining the night." I nodded nevertheless.


"Listen Mihir," I decided to get straight to the point before he asked me my views on politics in Timbuktu, "Did Mr. Deb say anything?"

"Shit! I completely forgot," he frowned slightly, "He asked me to tell you to meet him when you were free. He said that he has some things to discuss about the...you know."

I cursed under my breath in annoyance.

"Well, I should probably go find him then." I said.

"Alright. Come find me when you're done. We can do a karaoke duet together." He replied with a brief nod and a wide smile.

Gosh! Why on earth did I ever have a crush on a guy like Mihir?!

Luckily I found Mr. Deb just when he finished to talking to a colleague and was heading over to the wet bar.

"Good evening, Sir." I greeted him, my voice sounding more zealous than I had intended it to be.

"Well, if it isn't our prodigal coder!" he exclaimed, his lips turned up in a goofy grin.

Honestly, it was very hard to take a man like him seriously when he talked like that.

"The one and only." I returned his grin.

"Well, Akira I have news for you." He started, his face suddenly becoming grave, "And I'm not sure how you're going to take it."

Wasn't this the part where he fakes seriousness and then tells me I've got a job with 7.5 lakh package or something?!

I nodded, hanging onto every word he said.

"We cannot disclose the fact that an intern found a bug in our security systems. It would be disgraceful for the company if word gets out. So the credit will be given to a senior executive who shall be promoted. Your term of internship can be extended till the end of your final year of college after which we will have to let you off." Mr. Deb stated, studying my face pensively as my jaw dropped to the floor.

I faltered for a moment before regaining my stance.

"What...what do you mean?" I stuttered, "Why?"

He sighed ruefully. "Look I understand that this is not what you expected but this needs to be done for the greater good. Think of the bigger picture, Akira."

"So I don't get a job?" I said, thinking out loud, just wanting to put it out there.

"Not at the moment. But we will certainly give you five lakh rupees for your excellent work. You'll also have to sign a nondisclosure agreement so that news about the bug does not leak out." He said.

I could feel a large ball forming in my throat, constricting it. I was left shell shocked, unable to say a word. I wasn't one to ever question authority but I was aching to do it right now.

I couldn't bring myself to do it though.

I vaguely registered the first karaoke song being played and someone singing completely off tune.

"I'm sorry that it had to boil down to this. But corporate politics can get dirty and this was the safest bet." He stated.

Corporate politics, my bloody foot!

"Enjoy the party, Miss Joshi." Mr. Deb with an apologetic smile, which only played the role of rubbing salt on my wounds.

I walked deliriously towards the exit, angry tears threatening to break free from my eyes. Without thinking I downed the entire bottle of beer in a long swig, unmindful of the vile taste.

For some reason I felt liberated. After a moment's hesitation, I stalked over to the wet bar and ordered another bottle.

I closed my eyes and exhaled forcefully. But my rage kept growing, a mighty beast struggling against its restraints.

Beer bottle in hand, I strode out of the hotel.

I had absolutely no idea where I was headed.

My phone started ringing. Without checking the caller ID I switched it off and shoved it into my purse. If I so much as even tried to talk I knew I'd erupt into to teary whirlpool and I didn't want anyone to see me like that.

I was a strong girl. I was...wasn't I?


Hey guys! I'm back after a pretty unproductive week. My parents asked me to delete Wattpad and there was some drama at home, but here I am after a little amount of negotiation.

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Thank you for reading!❤

QOTD: Have you ever faced a trying situation in your life? How did you overcome it?

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