47 - Investigation

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Words 1677
Chapter Summary: After finding Emilie Agreste in the secret basement garden, the team was a bit torn apart. They now have to figure out where to go from here, while still keeping mentally sane. Time for some more investigation to find Hawkmoth.
Author's Note: Some angst and some fluff (: Also, sorry for missing 2 weeks! It's been hectic around here and I didn't have the time to finish the chapter. Thanks for your patience! I hope uploading a few days early makes up for it. 3 chapters left!!


The next morning

Marinette consoled Adrien for hours after Alya called the rest of the team to the Mansion. She wasn't sure what to expect, but she knew it was serious. And finding Emilie Agreste in a garden full of moths was the last thing she ever expected to find. Emilie Agreste was supposed to be dead and resting peacefully...years ago. It took Adrien a long time to finally come to terms with it all, and his father ruined that for him, too.

Adrien cried a lot, not sure how to contain his emotions. He sobbed in front of her body with his friends surrounding him, also crying and confused, until some friendly people came to take her out of the Mansion. Once Marinette convinced him to go back to the bakery, she gave him (and the rest of the team) a snack and some medicine to help them all sleep. Though it took Adrien a few hours to fall asleep, he finally did, in Marinette's arms.

She was relieved when he fell asleep, because it gave him a chance to get it all off his mind. Marinette was worried about Adrien, even more now, and they had to act fast. She's sure Alya, Nino, and Chloé were already awake, but Marinette didn't want to leave Adrien at the risk of waking him up. He's barely gotten any sleep these past few days, and he needs the time to de-stress and rest up. A lot of traumatizing things have happened recently, and Marinette wants to be there for him just like he was for her when they went viral as superheroes.

Only a few more minutes passed before Adrien tossed and turned in his sleep, and he looked like he was having a nightmare. "Adrien," Marinette grabbed his shoulder. "You okay?"

Adrien stopped tossing and sighed, but his eyes were still closed. "No, but I will be," He said. 

"Do you want to go downstairs and talk to the others about our next step, or do you want to stay up here?" Marinette asked, trying to be as careful as she could with her words. 

Adrien was quiet for another moment, then shifted to sit up. "We should go talk about the plan. The quicker we work on this, the quicker he goes away," He said.

Marinette grabbed his hand, and they locked eyes. "We're going to do this, and I know it will all work out," She promised.

With no response from Adrien, the two of them climbed down the ladder and out of her room to meet with the other three in the living room. "Morning, guys," Alya called, not looking away from the TV where a computer was connected.

"How'd you sleep?" Chloé asked.

Adrien shrugged and sat on the couch. Marinette answered as she walked to the kitchen to grab them both a piece of fruit. "Once we finally fell asleep, I think it was okay," She said. "Took us a while to get to that point, though. How about you guys?" She asked.

"The same," Nino responded. "I woke up first because I couldn't stop thinking about looking at the news footage from the fight," He said. 

Marinette handed an apple to Adrien, who contemplated eating it. He didn't want to, but he knew it would make all of his friends a little relieved to make sure he was eating. They know he's going through some things and need to make sure his physical needs are met, even if he doesn't want them to be. "So, you find anything?" Marinette asked as she sat next to Adrien on the couch.

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