10 - A Graceful Thank-You

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Words: 1260
Chapter Summary: After Marinette's latest video, her fans went crazy. She reads a few comments, and gets a special visitor; only to be interrupted by Alya.
Author's Note: I forgot to upload last week but ya girl is so busy. I haven't written to much lately for this story, only have a few more parts stored up- so I best get to writing!



I love seeing the development of Marinette over the years. Starting as a shy designer who wouldn't even put her voice on camera, to now leaving in a joke about getting Adrien naked. Wow. That easily could have been edited out, but she chose TO LEAVE IT IN. And I am here for it! I'm all for more casual friendships and seeing Marinette's style, and friends continue to grow!

It's a good thing Alya wasn't there. She probably would have flipped her mind.

We don't appreciate Nino and his music enough. I listened to the song from the video all day. It had so many amazing things and then going back to watch the video with it again made me realize how perfect it works with the video. Nino better make an album. I will buy it on the spot.

Am I the only one who doesn't ship Marinette and Adrien?
> yes
>> I lowkey ship Alya and Marinette. But still, Adrien and Marinette are THE otp.

Guys!! You have to look at the Marinette Dupain-Cheng tag on Tumblr. Or the Adrienette tag! There's some really cool stuff on there, and I'd think you would get a really cool video.


Marinette loved reading her comments. She had gotten particularly good at skipping over the hate, and only focused on the love. Recently, her fan base has been obsessed with getting her and Adrien together, but she knew it was too much to hope for.

She loves seeing all the fan art appear on her social media though, and makes sure to look at and leave a like on everyone she can see. Marinette wasn't sure if Adrien had seen the video, and if it was a bad idea if she left in his joke. With a sigh, she made sure her second channel video was continuing to upload. It was a vlog she made with Alya after school one day, both of them going to the art store for more supplies for her next project.

When she assured it was halfway done uploading, she looked to the sleeping Tikki. She's been worried about the lack of akumas lately, and on-call nonstop. Finally, Tikki fell asleep, and Marinette was not going to bother her. She climbed out to her balcony to take a break and get some air. It was late, and the quiet outside pleased her. It was an excellent way to take a break.

She scrolled through her phone as she stood in the light breeze, enjoying the quiet. She looked through Alya, Nino, and Adrien's social media to catch up on all their recent updates. Also looking at celebrities and other YouTube stars, she threw her phone on the chair and took a deep breath in the fresh air.

"Marinette?" A voice asked from behind her.

She jumped and put her hand over her mouth so she wouldn't scream. "Chat Noir?" Marinette whispered when she realized who was on her balcony. "What are you doing here?"

Chat Noir shrugged and walked up to the end of the balcony, standing next to her. "I don't know. I was running around tonight, trying to clear my head, and I saw you. So I stopped," He confesses. "I saw the video you made about the outfit inspired by me," He smiled. "It was really awesome."

A small smile appeared on Marinette's face. "I'm glad you liked it."

"Your fans seem to like the best ones to have. I was reading some of the comments, they love you," He complimented.

Marinette shrugged slightly. "I just know how to block the hate. But yeah, I've got some really great fans. It really picked up once Adrien started appearing in videos, people love him," She giggled.

Chat Noir shook his head. "I've watched your videos for a long time. The people love you; you're just getting more comments about Adrien because everyone ships you guys. But the real reason they keep watching your videos is because they like you, you know?" He said. "Adrien's just another pretty face people like to look at."

Marinette laughed a little more this time. "Yeah, I guess that's a good point. Fandoms are full of shippers, but I don't think we'd get together anytime soon. We're both so busy," She said. "Plus, that'd be way too easy for the fans," Marinette jokes.

Chat Noir giggled as well. "Yes, you'd definitely make it too easy on the fans. If you guys started dating, you'd need to keep it a secret for a few months but hint at it every so often just to keep them wondering...it's so evil."

Marinette raised her eyebrow at him. "Good idea, I'll bring it up to Adrien if we ever start dating...somehow," She smirked and shook her head. "Thanks for the input, Chat Noir."

He smiled widely. "I'm here to help!" He saluted to Marinette.

Marinette's phone beeped three times in only a few seconds. She looked down to see Alya spamming about the video she just posted, saying something was wrong. "I have to go deal with this," She sighed. "Thanks for the little talk," Marinette told Chat Noir and walked over to her trap door.

Chat Noir nodded. "My pleasure. I'll see you later," He said and jumped to another rooftop.

Once Marinette got back inside, she sat in front of her computer to see the success message for uploading the video. "What's wrong with the video?" She asked when Alya picked up her phone call.

"Wrong thumbnail!" She said. "That's for your next fashion video!"

Marinette groaned and opened her thumbnail files on her computer. "Easy fix, don't worry," She told Alya. "I'm so exhausted from everything lately."

"You need to take a break, girl," Alya told her, to which Marinette only laughed. "I'm serious. You run yourself every single day between school, the bakery, and your videos. Not to mention this new project with Jagged Stone, I'm going to force you to take a break sooner than later," Alya told her. "I will personally sneak into your room and take your phone, camera, and computer if I have to. Don't make me do it."

As Marinette fixed the thumbnail for her newest vlog, a small smile grew on her face. "Thanks, Alya. But I'm fine. I promise. I get enough sleep most nights, and I'm good at balancing my time. I've just been extra stressed lately- maybe it's because all of the chaos around the many videos with Adrien popping up. My fans love him."

Alya snickered. "Yeah, they do. Which makes it even better for you!"

"Shush it," She told her. "I'm keeping things as friends. He's not interested, and I'm just glad we're getting closer. Honestly," Marinette promised. "I'm older now, and I don't need to have crazy moments around my friend. Besides, I need to go to bed if you don't want me to crash at school tomorrow."

"Whatever you say!" Alya giggled quietly. "That was a long description of how you're not dating someone, or I guess, how you don't want to date someone. Mhm," Alya hummed, making Marinette huff at her. "Fine, go to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight. See you tomorrow!" Marinette said, and hung up the phone. With one last check on her video, she turned off her computer and climbed back up to her bed.

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