Kids these days..

175 9 7

Adiline: dad..I got suspended

Ironhide: why?

Adiline: I was talking to a human friend and the teacher came to me and pointed a ruler at me and said 'at the end of this ruler is a idiot' and so I asked 'which end are you perfering to?'

Ironhide: that's my girl, where getting energon after this

Adiline: wait how will mom take this?

Ironhide: don't worry, he'll never find out

Adiline: :D

Hornet: mom...I somehow got suspended for a week..

Bumblebee: WHAT?! How?!

Hornet: the teacher was somehow getting mad at everybody and said 'Stand up if your a idiot' and she was only one standing so I stood up and said 'I didn't want you to be alone'...

Bumblebee: your not grounded, I'm proud you got my smartass trait

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