It's half three in the morning and I really had to get this off my chest

119 18 10

I've always hated being the eldest.

The 'trial' child.

I always wanted to be the middle child, or something like that.

But then, to find out you're not the eldest

You're not the first

there was

An older brother;

or sister, mind you.

To find out that you could have had an big sibling

Someone to show you the ropes.

But no.

I have no right to be angry.

I didn't even exist at the time.

They were together, but not married.

They didn't feel they were ready

Sleeping in a small, mouldy old flat

with three other people.

Unstable jobs;

no money;


"We can barely take care of ourselves"

Dissapointed parents, I bet.

But is it really worth killing my older sibling

something i have always wanted


All the

should haves

would haves

could haves?

But they're all in the past.

Because what happened, happened.

Nothing I can do to change that.

But the worst thing is, 

it's a secret...

No one knows.

Not my grandparents;

Not my siblings;

Not our friends.

It's like a dirty little secret.

A dirty little secret i don't want to keep.

There's three of us:


my sister,


my other sister.

My mother always wanted four;

but she threw that away when she decided to abort my older sibling.

So she has to deal with us.

I'm upset, 

and hurt,

and I know my parents regret it.

Which is why my mother is pro-life.

Even though i know it's very hypocritical.

But sometimes I wonder...

if that child was me, and you knew that, would you still get rid of it?

I bet you would.

My older siblingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang