
"That's good." I smiled.

"I'mma be over there. I'll see you later okay?"

"Yeah." I agreed, letting him kiss me softly before he walked off to join his friends.

"Ouuu," Nicki commented, giving me a look, making me feel hesitant about meeting her gaze. "Y'all are getting serious."

"It's been like four months," I responded, waving her off.

"You say you love him yet?" Kay questioned.

"You tell Aaron you love him?" I retorted, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I don't think I meant it though. I just said it cause he said it." She honestly replied. "But don't do that. You and Q are different."

"How are we different?"

"Y'all truly care about each other. More than I cared for ole boy." She explained.

"And more than I cared about Nate," Nicki added.

"The answer to your question is no." I told her. "We're not there yet."

"Oh boo." Rocky frowned.

I smiled. "It'll happen."

"I'm watching y'all." Kaylen gave me the 'I'm watching you' fingers.

"Girl bye. Just continue on gossiping." I said as I finally started to dig into my food. "I'm listening."


After school, I found myself watching Will on the blacktops playing three on three with her usual boys. I just sat by the fence in the shade and worked on some science book work. The girls made their appearances but eventually had to go and get other things done. And Q had family things to deal with, so he just walked with us to the blacktops and went his own way.

I honestly didn't have anything better to do, so I thought I should stick around and be Will's little cheerleader. And I couldn't even remember the last time I had some one on one time with Will. We just naturally operated as a group, and it wasn't like it was weird with it being just the two of us, it was just a rare occasion.

"Is that my homework or yours?" Will asked as she took a seat next to me after wrapping up with the boys.

"Mine. I'm not about to do your homework."

"What if I pay you?"

"Depends on the subject."


"Now you know damn well you have better handwriting than I do. That'll never fly." I gave her a knowing look.

I have no clue where she got it from, but Will wrote in cursive. Like fancy cursive, not just connecting letters together. Sometimes teachers asked her to write in print if we were doing group work, and even that looked pretty.

"Our print writing is kinda similar."

"No, it's not." I denied with a laugh.

Will grabbed the pencil in my hand and rewrote my name on the top of the page above my own. "See, similar."

"That's because you tried copying me." I snatched the pencil back. "You're a damn mess." I closed my book, placing it in my backpack. "Writing like a girl but acting like a boy." I joked.

"Y'know people will never let that go," Will responded with a slight nod, agreeing with me. "Just cause I wear a hoodie and sweats to the grocery store and don't back down from competition I'm getting asked if I'm gay."

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