Chapter 16

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They stayed in the bush for about 5 minutes before they heard a voice that scared the shit out of them.
"What in the nine circles of hell are you two doing?"
It was none other than Tanaka himself who just stared down at the two, and they probably never felt so awkward.
"You're gonna blow our fucking cover, dude! Leave!" Fuyuhiko whispered as he looked passed the breeder's legs and onto the sidewalk.
"And why do you require cover, mafia mortal? Is there some faul entity you are hiding from?"
Fuyuhiko let out a sigh and motioned Soda to come out. They crawled out of the bush and Soda gave Gundham and awkward smile as Fuyuhiko just looked embarrassed.

"Mortal Kazuichi, what were you doing just now?" The breeder asked and that made Fuyuhiko raise an eyebrow.
"Aren't you two like together? You can drop the fucking facade Tanaka. I know you two aren't just "friends" anymore."
Gundham blushed and looked away from them, trying to keep himself together.
"So Soda, I think you're safe when you're with him so I'll just take my leave. I have more important things to do."
The yakuza waved them off and walked away leaving the pinkette with the breeder.
"What does he mean by "you're safe"?" Tanaka asked and Soda just frowned.
"It's Sonia. She came into our cottage when you stormed out and tried to... Fuck, I don't even know what she was trying to do. I ran away but she came after me."
Gundham looked away for a second before turning back to Kazuichi and frowning.
"I am truly sorry for leaving you alone. I should not have left you, even if I was mad."
The breeder apologized and Soda just rolled his eyes and shot him a smile.
"It's fine, Gundham. Everyone gets upset sometimes. No need to-"
"There you are Kazuichi!"
They both turned around and were now facing the princess herself who was walking towards them.

As she noticed Gundham her expression immediately changed and she stopped in her tracks.
"Oh, Gundham. It's nice seeing you today. I was just looking for Soda over here." She pointed at the pinkette and he immediately tensed up.
Gundham glared at her and put a hand in front of Soda as to protect him.
"I would not come any closer, if I were you." He warned and that seemed to intrigue the princess even more. She took a few more steps while swaying back and forth with her hands behind her back.
"Why? Do you not want me to hang out with you? What did I ever do to deserve this kind of treatment, Gundham?" She asked before stopping a few steps away from the couple.
"You know damn well why, Sonia! I see right thru that rotten facade of yours. I know it was you how tried to murder Soda that night. And now you're trying to act like you are his friend?" The breeder asked and pointed at the princess.
Sonia giggled before taking another step towards them. As she was walking, Gundham was pushing Kazuichi further away from her while shielding him.

As Kazuichi was looking at the princess he noticed something shiny behind her back. As he realized what it was his face turned white.
"She has a weapon, Gundham. It's behind her back. In her hand. I think it's an axe." The pinkette whispered to Tanaka and that made him keep even closer track of her movements.
"Do not worry, Kaz. As long as I am standing between you two, she can't hurt you." Gundham let out a sigh before stopping and pushing Kazuichi further away, to where he was nearly at the door of the hotel.
"She will have to get thru me first." The breeder whispered to himself.

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