Chapter 3

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The pink haired teen didn't bother to move anymore. He just laid on the pink stained sand as blood and tears pooled down his cheeks.
"W-..." He paused, trying to collect the tiniest bit of strength left to continue.
"What... did I-I do wrong? M-miss Sonia?"
"Huh? How are you-?" The princess gasped as she looked down at Soda.
"I-I didn't mean to-... Take him away from you... Miss Sonia... I'm sorry..." Kazuichi didn't even know what he was apologizing for. Was loving somebody not an option for him. Was he really that worthless?

"Shut your mouth, Soda! You can apologize all you want, but nothing can fix the things you did. Why do you think Gundham decided to go out with you? Because he loves you?" The blond spat out. She tightened the grip on her knife as she was preparing to deliver the final blow to Kazuichi.
"Don't make me laugh... He went out with you because he feels sorry for your pathetic self. And you taught you had the fucking right to think you deserved your perfect happy little ending, didn't you?"
Back at the cottage, Gundham was getting the final details of the present he wanted to give to Kazuichi ready.
"Why the fuck would someone like him need flowers? He's a mechanic for fucks sake!" Fuyuhiko remarked as Tanaka was feeding one of the Devas.
"I just see it as a friendly gesture, mortal. No need to be all worked up about it."
"Yeah, "friendly gesture". You're dating for fucks sake, man! How do you see that as a friendly gesture!?" The smaller yelled, but Gundham didn't pay any attention to him as he was too focused on his hamsters.
After about 10 more minutes of Fuyuhiko complaining, Gundham decided that it was the right time to meet with Soda. They agreed to meet at the entrance to the hotel.
"Well then, mafia mortal. It seems that the clock struck the perfect time to head to the meeting place." Tanaka said as he adjusted his scarf and helped the Devas get settled in it. Fuyuhiko groaned and waved him goodbye as he left to his cottage.

Gundham grabbed the flowers and left to meet up with the pinkette at the hotel.

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