Chapter 8

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"P-please let m-me go! I-I c-cant do anything!"
Mikan cried as the group approached her.
"Let's see if you're gonna move now, bitch! We brought mister Gundham Tanaka himself to drag your ass to- Ouch!" Fuyuhiko was cut off by a punch to the arm, which none other then Pekoyama delivered. She looked at him with an expression that looked like a mother's when consoling a child.
"Hey! What was that for?!" The yakuza asked as he rubbed his arm.
"You're not helping with insulating her, young master. You're making her even more petrified." Peko scolded as Fuyuhiko just rolled his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

Tanaka let out a sigh and kneeled next to the crying nurse and put a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at him with a horrified expression.
"Do not worry, Mortal Mikan. I just really need your assistance right now. Well, not really me, but Mortal Kazuichi does. And he needs it now. So please, come with me or he will die."
Gundham's voice started to shake as he said the last sentence. He would not accept the harsh reality, which was Soda dying in his arms. Mikan looked away and let out a whine and rubbed her eyes.
"F-fine... I'll come with y-you. Just t-tell the others to l-leave me alone, and to s-stop insulting m-me."
Tanaka looked back up at Fuyuhiko who just raised an eyebrow at him and looked away.

"Very well then. Let's get going shall we?" With that Tanaka grabbed Mikan and started to run away. He knew that Mikan wouldn't come willingly so he had to take her by force.
The nurse let out a high pitched scream that sounded more like a whistle than a scream.
"I did not know you could provide such loud sounds, Mortal Mikan."
"Let me go! You're trying to kidnap me!"
Tsumiki yelled, probably the whole way back.

"What the fuck just happened?" The yakuza asked the group that were just left confused by the whole "kidnapping" situation.
"I don't know and I'm pretty sure none of you do know."
Hinata said as he scratched his head.

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