Chapter 1

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"You don't know how fucking exited I am, dude!" Soda practically screamed into Fuyuhiko's face.
"Yea... Tell me about it. Anyway, I forgot what you were saying like halfway through. Actually, I wasn't even listening to your goddamn babbling for like the past 5 minutes." The shorter one spat out as he looked out onto the beach.

"Come on, man! I'm just so excited! Gundham finally agreed to go on a date with me! You don't know how big of an achievement that is for me! And him probably." The pink haired squealed. Fuyuhiko clearly didn't want to listen to anything that Soda was saying anymore, so he let out a sigh of relief as he saw the hamster man himself approaching them.

Behind him was somebody else. Slowly making their way towards them too. That was none other then the princess Sonia Nevermind.
She had a weird look on her face, but Fuyuhiko brushed it off and decided to cut off Kazuichi's speech once again.
"Listen here, Soda can. I'm not gonna listen to your bullshit anymore. I've lost enough brain cells for the day. Also, your "boyfriend" is coming over as it seems. So I'm off! Have a nice date, I guess."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever boss baby." Soda said back.
The blonde turned around and gave him a glare before continuing walking.
"Don't forget to wear protectio-"
"Woah there! We're not gonna do... That!" The pinkette shot back at Fuyuhiko. In return he got a laugh and a middle finger.

Kazuichi then turned around and saw Gundham and Sonia standing next to him. He gave them a wave, which Gundham somewhat returned. As for Sonia she just glared at him.
"Hi, Miss Sonia! It's nice seeing you today." Soda greeted, trying to start a conversation.
Sonia didn't answer. Soda raised an eyebrow, but shrugged it off and started to talk to Tanaka and once again babbling about his excitement for the date. Gundham just nodded along, as he covered his face with his scarf to not show how flustered he was.

After about 10 minutes Gundham spoke up.
"I am too very excited for our date, pink mortal. But now, I must go... I have some preparations to do."
"What kind of preparations?" Soda asked.
"You will see soon enough." Gundham gave him a smile and started to walk back to his cottage.

It was just Soda and Sonia now. The princess still hadn't said a thing since when they first greeted eachother. It was starting to bother Soda so he decided to ask her what was wrong.
"Miss Sonia? You seem sad... Is everything ok?"
The princess didn't answer,
and the pink haired boy decided to do something that would probably caught anyone off guard.
He hugged the princess.
"You can always talk to me, Miss Sonia. We're friends after all, right?"
Sonia still didn't answer. Kazuichi looked down at her with a sad expression and in return he got a face full of hatred and anger as he felt something sharp get thrashed into his chest.

Hey, it's the author here!
So this is my first time writing a fanfic and I'm honestly quite nervous about posting it.
I hope you will stick around for more since I have a lot of ideas in mind.
Farewell, Mortals!

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