"Babe you have got flour everywhere. I know I am flawless but please pay attention to what you are doing!" Harry giggled, trying to avoid the pathetic, playful punch Draco threw.

"I see your ego has never been smaller!" Draco teased, earning him a punch to the arm as well.

Draco finished mixing the cake batter and placed it into two cake tins which appeared at the snap of his fingers. He was getting used to the whole wandless magic thing.

Harry was setting the vegetables to boil, then put the chicken in the oven.

"Why are we having a full fledged meal at one in the morning?" Draco questioned.

"Because I am hungry." Harry said, his head held high. Draco just laughed.

Once the food was ready, Harry sent Draco to set the table whilst he prepared the plates. A timer went off, and Draco rushed back into the kitchen, shooing Harry out of the way of the oven.

Draco proceeded to take out two perfectly baked chocolate sponges, which he was going to let cool then decorate later.

"You are so cute you know that right." Harry was leaning against the door frame, watching Draco's face light up at the cakes he had made. The statement made Draco blush.

"Come on, your food is going cold." With that the two sat in the far to big dining room at the far to big dining table and tucked into their meal.

The clock chimed two when they had finished. But they didn't care. It was like time stood still when they were together. They barely felt the need for sleep anymore.

Draco took the plates and carried them back to the kitchen. Whilst Harry washed up, Draco set to work decorating the cake.

He made icing in various shades of blue to create a beautiful gradient effect going up the two tiers. Once he was satisfied he lined the plate with pastel blue sugar stems he had made, as well as attaching shards of gold leaf at random around the cake.

He made sure to hide the cake from Harry, which was hard as he kept trying to sneakily look over his shoulder whilst he was washing up. Eventually he made Harry leave the room,allowing him to add the tiny little details in peace.

"Dray I want cake!" Harry called, implying him to hurry up.

"I will be ready in a minute. Don't be so impatient." Draco called back, amused by the childishness of his boyfriend.

He lifted the cake up and, with extreme caution, began to walk into the dining room. Harry gasped at the beauty of the cake.

"Dray this is incredible. How did you learn to do this." Harry breathed in awe, drooling slightly from hunger.

"My mother taught me when I was young. I used to love baking with her." Draco said, trying to keep the sad look of his face. Harry took Draco's had and squeezed it.

"I love it. Its almost to good to eat." Harry flicked his hand, creating a knife. "Almost!" With that he carefully cut through the cake, giving himself a generous portion.

Whilst eating they talked about everything and anything that came to mind, although they did avoid the family stuff.

"So you liked me since fifth year? Why were you always so mean to me?" Harry's voice was full of curiosity.

"Well I didn't want anyone to know I was gay. I loved how you owned it, and didn't let any comments get to you. I was not ready for that."

"Draco, if you had told me I would have made sure no one said anything to you. The truth is I have liked you since third year."


"Yep. I told Hermione who said I was crazy. After that I didn't tell anyone else. Obviously when I came out people kept asking me who my 'sexual awakening' was. I was too scared to say you, so I lied and said some random Muggle actor who most of them wouldn't know."

"Wow. I guess we were never really enemies like everyone said. Just scared kids who didn't want to disappoint anyone."

Harry nodded sadly. His mood quickly changed when he looked at Draco. "At least I got you in the end. To think we were always destined to be together."

They talked until they had eaten all the cake.

"Shit!" Draco laughed. "I didn't mean to eat all that!"

"I did!"

The two laughed, clearing up for the last time. Once all the plates had been washed, dried and stacked away they wandered round the house.

The clock chimed four in the morning. With every chime the house seemed to shake. Draco looked at Harry, a look of terror on his face.

"Harry what's happening."

The chiming stopped, but the shaking didn't. A few bangs could be heard from outside the house.
They ran to the master bedroom, which overlooked the porch. Standing there banging on the door, was none other than Hermione and Ron.

"Harry I know you're in there let us in!"

"I'm comi-" Harry was cut of by Draco shouting, "how do we know it is really you two?"

The wards were incredibly strong, so they were completely safe shouting down from the window. But as soon as they allowed the door to open, they would be putting themselves at risk. Draco didn't want to endanger Harry.

"In fourth year I told Harry to piss of because I didn't want to believe he didn't put his name in that bloody cup. I then up with a stupid story just to tell him what the first task was."

"In third year Harry told me about his crush on Draco. I was mad at him because of it. But when he came out and we talked about it, I realised that Draco was perfect for Harry."

Both the statements made Harry tear up. He missed his friends, hearing stories from his past made him realise just how much.

"You can come in." Harry said, barely keeping his voice from cracking. He ran down to meet them, eloping them in a huge hug.

"Harry we were so worried. Why didn't you tell. Us where you were going?" Hermione scolded, still clinging onto Harry.

"We want to know everything." Ron said.

"Everything?" Harry whispered, glancing at Draco.

"Everything!" Ron and Hermione said in unison.

Wow I got a bit carried away there. Over 1600 words! That kitchen scene took way longer than I thought it would aha.

Hope you enjoyed this unusually long chapter
Until next time!
~ Charlotte

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