15: Chairs are overrated

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As soon as I stepped out of the car my breath was taken away. His house was easily the biggest house on the street, if not in the state.

Luca crawled out and handed me my crutches so I could stabilize myself.

"Thanks" I mumbled

"Why are you looking at my home like that? You don't even have that face when you looked at me and I'm way more good looking the this"

I scoffed at his words and walked my way to the front door. Luca followed behind me walking slowly with his hand in his pockets.

"Where is Marlee?" I asked as we walked into the tower with a double staircase leading up.

"She's riding home with Bailey, they will be here soon" he mumbled throwing his bag at the corner of the door.

"Ms. Emilia" he called

I looked around the room wonder who the hell he was yelling at but saw no one.

I gave him a quizzical look but he ignored me and walked into the massive kitchen with dark cabinetry. I pulled out a seat at the island and watched Luca walk into what I assumed was the butler's pantry. My house only has one small kitchen so I wasn't sure.

While I was waiting for Luca to come back I pulled out my phone to pass time. I was just opening up my school email when I heard a women shriek causing me to fall off of the chair.

"Luca Alexander Reid! How care you do that to women of my age" a lady shouted

I heard a deep laugh and rubbed my head from my fall. I glance over my knees and elbows to check for any more damage.

I watched as Luca walked out of the hall, with a gleam in his eyes and a smirk on his lips as an old lady with tan skin and pepper hair can hobbling out muttering something in a language I didn't understand.

"Why are you on the floor?" Luca asked

"The floor and I were having a nice conversation before you rudely interrupted. We agreed that chairs are overrated" I answered tilting my head as if it was obvious.

"Well why haven't you gotten up darling," the women asked

"Because this knucklehead decided to tackle me and now I can't walk" I smiled through my teeth, giving Luca a pointed look

Luca rolled his eyes and offered me his hand. I wrapped both my hands on his and pulled myself up.

"My name's Skylar Rowan," I said reaching my hand out to shake the lady's hand.

"Ms. Emilia, are you another one of Luca's sluts?" she asked wearily taking my hand, her light grey eyebrows raise, a slight smirk on her lips.

My eyes widened at her words and Luca started coughing. I can't believe she just called me that. She knows nothing about me except that I'm a clutz and she is slut-shaming me? Has she not realized that Luca himself isn't much of a saint. Then again, I doubt Luca has brought home many girls that haven't slept with him. Even if I were to sleep with him she had no right to call me that.

"No, I'm a friend of Marlee. I rode over with Luca so we can get ready for the game. " I explained, " I have no interest in Luca, trust me, I can't walk because of him and his friends."

"Hmmm, well you will be the first" she answered before turning and giving Luca a stern look before turning around.

When she finally left the room I let out a deep sigh of relief while Luca burst into fits of laughter. I turned around and in his moment of weakness, trying to catch his breath, I full-on slap the back of his head.

" What the hell was that for?" he asked, his tone irritated.

Makes two of us

"I am not some slut that you have brought to your house!" I yell " You didn't even try to help me out with-with" I stuttered, trying to remember her name.

"Emilia" he answered " She has been my family's maid and has seen all the girls my brother and I have brought home. It's no surprise that's what she would think of you"

I scoff at his words. I don't care if he has brought home a hundred girls that look just like me. She shouldn't assume.

" Although, I am surprised she thought you were my type" he muttered pulling out his phone.

I raise my eyebrow at him. I know I'm not exactly the prettiest girl but I didn't think I was that bad to be brushed aside just like that.

"Type?" I asked

"Yeah, eighty percent of the girls I bring home are blondes. One hundred percent of the girls have never had a conversation with a floor." He chuckled

"Haha" I mocked " Why blondes? Most at MBPA are fake blondes anyways"

Luca shrugged his shoulders not bothering to look up. "That's just my type. You have a type right? Everyone has a type."

I give him an 'are you serious' look before shaking my head no. I've never paid too much attention to guys at Jefferson. Most were complete jerks or didn't know what deodorant was.

"What come on!" Luca whined, "you and I both know you love guys with brown hair, dark blue eyes because they are mysterious, super muscular, tattoos because you like the bad boys, perfect teeth, tall, and wears a navy school uniform."

"Your right it is, tell Blake to give me a call." I sighed, shaking my head acting defeated.

"Don't you have a game to prepare for?" I asked wanting to avoid this conversation because his words have some truth to them, but his personality weighs more than looks.

" One," he said, his voice getting deep along with his eyes stirring "  Blake didn't have tattoos and he's short"  Luca smirked

" Two" Luca leaned over the counter making his face closer to mine but my stubborn self didn't move so I wouldn't look intimidated. "I know the plays in my sleep, sweetheart. I think I got it" he smirked

I snarled at the endearment, he thinks he is something.

" Then you better win waterboy" I smiled " it's not like the team we are playing is your biggest rival or anything."

Luca opened his mouth when we both backed away when we heard Marlee call for me.

" They aren't going to know what hit them," he said all confidently.

"Ok," I replied and went to meet up with Marlee and Bailey.

"But I think they will. People know when water his thrown at them" I yelled not bothering to turn around

"Go put some camo on" he yelled at my back "I don't want to see Rowan" he continued in a deep voice but I knew he was smiling.

I could just tell.

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