29: Guests

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I woke up to the glorious sound of my alarm going off, groaning that I won't get to sleep in this weekend. But when I committed to something, I did it.

I peeked a look at my clock and saw I only had fifteen minutes before Marlee came over to study. She finally swallowed some of her pride and took up my offer for help. I internally groaned knowing I had no time to go back to sleep so I decided I might as well start my day. I quickly threw off my uniform, which I accidentally slept in, and changed into a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie.

I set up my binders, notebooks, and textbooks so Marlee and I could jump straight into Biology. I smiled sadly at my notes from sophomore year, remembering how much I loved science at Jefferson. Everything came so easy but deep down I knew that was the very reason I moved to MBPA. I had to learn to challenge myself.

Once I heard my doorbell ring, I skipped down the stairs and swung to door open with a big smile on my face.

"Hey, Marlee! I just got everything s-, what are you doing here?"

Instead of just staring face-to-face with Marlee, I was also facing Luca.

"She doesn't have a car Rowan, I had to drive her." He said rolling his eyes "I thought you were smart?"

"Shut up," I said, looking over his shoulder in search of Marlee. She was struggling with balancing her textbook and notebooks and was still slowly walking over to the door.

"You didn't think to help her?" I asked, glaring at Luca "you're supposed to be a strong athlete right?"

"I drove her here. That's plenty of help" he said, but I had already turned away from and met Marlee halfway.

"Thanks, Sky," she said, taking a breath after some of the weight was taken off. "Luca is such an ass" she grumbled

I let out a laugh and led the Reid siblings inside. Since Luca had already been here, he plopped himself on the couch and made himself comfortable.

"My stuff is already set up in my room, just go up the staircase to the left" I instructed " I'll be up there in a minute. Do you want anything to drink? I made some cookies"

Marlee's eyes brightened when I mentioned food, and who could blame her.

"A coke is fine. Thanks, Skylar"

I nodded and headed my way into the kitchen but not before Luca stopped me.

"Are you going to offer me anything?" he asked with a smirk

"No," I said sternly "I only offer things to my guests."

Luca rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. I turned back to the kitchen but felt a presence behind me. Choosing to ignore him, I grabbed the plate of cookies and two cokes. Luca was leaning against the counter with a slight smirk but never said anything.

Letting out a huff, I opened the fridge again and threw him a water bottle.

"Here. Water for the water boy"

He gave me glared but opened the bottle nonetheless. I knew he didn't drink soda because he's an "athlete" so he should be grateful I was kind enough to give him a water. He can wipe that glare off his face.

But me being the bigger person, I went upstairs to join Marlee without saying anything else.


"Ok, one more time, and then we can take a break. Explain what the central dogma of biology is"

Marlee rubbed her hands over her face, groaning. We had been going over this for the past hour and she has slowly begun to grasp it. We have drawer models, graphs, and everything in between so I could figure out what works best for Marlee.

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